A majority of Pennsylvanians oppose Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal, with its $3 billion spending increase.

Do you support or oppose Governor Shapiro’s budget proposal?
Total support: 34%
Total oppose: 54%

While nearly three-quarters of registered voters think Governor Shapiro should play a more active role in brokering a bipartisan deal.

Last year, the governor and state legislature did not agree on a budget in time to meet Pennsylvania’s legal deadline of June 30, leading to a 5-month long impasse. Governor Shapiro has said it is now up to the House and Senate to find common ground. Do you believe he should play a more active role in brokering a bi-partisan deal to keep the state budget on track?
Yes: 74%
No: 15%

A plurality of voters think that Pennsylvania’s taxes are too high, with 3 in 10 considering moving to another state as a result.

Has Pennsylvania’s high tax burden led you to consider moving to another state?
Yes: 30%
No: 61%

And nearly 8 in 10 respondents support cutting the Pennsylvania personal income tax rate

Would you support or oppose cutting the Pennsylvania personal income tax rate from 3.07% to 2.8%, which would save wage earners and small business owners $3 billion.
Total support: 78%
Total oppose: 15%