shapiro school choice

Shapiro Failed on School Choice—Again. There’s Hope Despite Him

Originally published at RealClearPennsylvania

The state budget is finally done, but Pennsylvania families should be angry. That’s the most important takeaway from the budget that Gov. Josh Shapiro and state lawmakers passed last week.

Last year, Shapiro failed our most vulnerable kids by vetoing his promise to enact Lifeline Scholarships, which would have saved tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of children trapped in failing and unsafe schools. This year, the governor once again betrayed his word.

For 12 months, he’s called these scholarships “unfinished business.” And yet the governor folded amid pressure from his party and the teacher unions. Despite bipartisan support in the Pennsylvania Senate, every Democrat in the House voted against Lifeline Scholarships, with nary a word to the contrary from the governor.

Read more at RealClearPennsylvania