Taxes & Economy

Rendell on HB 80: Now it’s war!

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 14, 2010

Yesterday, Governor Rendell had some harsh albeit entertaining words for opponents of HB 80, which would increase the state’s mandated alternative energy requirements. According to Rendell “Powerful special interests…


Read More: Rendell on HB 80: Now it’s war!

State Budget

What is Rendell Cutting in Pennsylvania Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2010

In his mid-year budget address, Governor Rendell outlined a plan to cut spending by $170 million in the Pennsylvania state budget.  This week, he identified $161 specific cuts (see…


Read More: What is Rendell Cutting in Pennsylvania Budget?


New Head Start Study Shows No Long-Term Effects of Preschool

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 14, 2010

A study on students in Head Start released yesterday by the US Department of Health and Human Services shows no long-term academic improvement from the program.  In fact, the…


Read More: New Head Start Study Shows No Long-Term Effects of Preschool


Tax Breaks for Select Few Companies Not Creating Jobs

  • January 13, 2010

A study by Good Jobs First indicates that Pennsylvania’s tax incentives for high-tech companies has not been able to attract investment from other states. A net 43 high-tech companies…


Read More: Tax Breaks for Select Few Companies Not Creating Jobs

Government Accountability

Onorato’s Economic Plan: Some Good Ideas, Some Bad Ideas

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 13, 2010

Pennsylvania Governor Candidate Dan Onorato outlined his economic development proposals yesterday. He has some good ideas in there, but a lot of the…


Read More: Onorato’s Economic Plan: Some Good Ideas, Some Bad Ideas

Government Accountability

Democrat Party Finally Condemns Pay Raise

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 12, 2010

An interesting response to State Senator Dave Argall’s announcement that he would challenge Congressman Tim Holden is that Democrats are going after Argall’s role in the 2005 Pennsylvania pay…


Read More: Democrat Party Finally Condemns Pay Raise


Paper or Plastic?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 12, 2010

This morning I came across a ridiculous piece of legislation. Rep. McGeehan has proposed HB 2200, which would ban paper and plastic bags in grocery stores. Forget subtle…


Read More: Paper or Plastic?

Public Union Democracy

Pittsburgh Prevailing Wage Proposal Still on Table

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 11, 2010

The Pittsburgh City Council is once again considering imposing a prevailing wage rule on workers in city-subsidized buildings. (HT to Grassroots PA). In contrast to what the article…


Read More: Pittsburgh Prevailing Wage Proposal Still on Table