
The Pennsylvania Pension Bailout

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 25, 2009

Pennsylvania legislators are drawing nearer to implementing a bailout bill for Philadelphia and a state takeover for insolvent municipal pension funds in cities like Pittsburgh. While pension reforms are…


Read More: The Pennsylvania Pension Bailout

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemptions

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 25, 2009

There has been some discussion lately about filling the Pennsylvania budget hole with additional revenue by expanding the state sales tax to include currently exempt goods, services, or categories.


Read More: Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemptions


Problem of PA Prison Population and Price

  • August 25, 2009

Last week Bill Cosby declared that it only costs taxpayers $4,000 a year to educate a child, but $33,000 a year to incarcerate someone (this statement is inaccurate, unless…


Read More: Problem of PA Prison Population and Price


What Happens When There is No Funding for Corporate Welfare?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2009

Gov. Rendell has noted on many occasions that without large state “economic development” grant programs, Pennsylvania’s economy would tank.  He has argued that the Senate budget, which would eliminate many…


Read More: What Happens When There is No Funding for Corporate Welfare?

Health Care

Explaining the Town-Hall Protests

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2009

John Goodman – the health care policy guru, not the star of Arachnophobia – has an editorial in Friday’s Wall Street Journal on those protesting Obama’s version of health…


Read More: Explaining the Town-Hall Protests

State Budget

Is Cash for Clunkers the Dumbest Government Program Ever?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2009

Chris Edwards of Cato suggests “Cash for Clunkers” is the dumbest government program of all time: A few billion dollars worth of wealth was destroyed. About 750,000…


Read More: Is Cash for Clunkers the Dumbest Government Program Ever?

Public Union Democracy

Address the Spending Side on Road Funding First

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2009

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation issued a statement responding to our blog post that explains state transportation spending has increased 121% since 1995, more than triple the rate…


Read More: Address the Spending Side on Road Funding First


We’re Twice as Smart of the People of Shelbyville

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 21, 2009

Harley-Davidson continues to tour business friendly states to re-locate its York plant that employs over 2,000 workers – among the four options considered are Shelbyville, Indiana and Shelbyville, Kentucky.


Read More: We’re Twice as Smart of the People of Shelbyville

Health Care

Post-Gazette Combats Health Care “Lies” With Actual Lies

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2009

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist Sally Kalson has a ridiculous piece on health care reform (HT PA Watercooler), in which she admittedly fabricates a number of proposals she “imagines” Republicans would…


Read More: Post-Gazette Combats Health Care “Lies” With Actual Lies