Public Union Democracy
Unions should be about employees, not about politics
Originally published at The Hill “I’ll be honest with you,” said Teamsters President Sean O’Brien in a recent podcast interview. “I’m a Democrat, but they have f—ed…
Read More: Unions should be about employees, not about politicsPennsylvania will only become a beacon for opportunity when its policies are in the hands of taxpayers and citizens, not special interests and bureaucrats. It’s vital that our government is accountable to the people—not organizations or institutions. Policies that advance transparency and restore workers’ rights are the keys to this happening.
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Public Union Democracy
Resigning from a Government Union is No Easy Task
Want to join a union? Easy, just sign on the dotted line. Want to leave a union? Sharpen your research skills, because it's no easy task. This fact was made…
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State Budget Bill Packed with $35 Million in Earmarks
July 24, 2018, Harrisburg, Pa.—Nearly 50 obscurely-worded earmarks are buried in Pennsylvania’s fiscal code—amounting to $35 million in hidden expenses—according to a Commonwealth Foundation analysis. Click here for a searchable…
Press Release
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Government Workers’ Rights Restored
In Janus v. AFSCME, the Supreme Court righted a decades-old wrong, striking down a coercive system and clearing a pathway for 330,000 Pennsylvania government workers to regain their long-denied First…
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More States Reject Prevailing Wage Mandates
Last month, Michigan took a step forward and joined 24 other states that have no prevailing wage law. Could Pennsylvania be the next? For far too long, Pennsylvania’s prevailing wage…
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Statement on 2018 AFT Convention
Commonwealth Foundation VP and COO Nathan Benefield issued the following statement regarding the American Federation of Teachers convention taking place in Pittsburgh this weekend. The convention’s keynote speakers on Friday,…
Press Release
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Protect the Right to a Union Secret Ballot Election
In Janus v. AFSCME, the Supreme Court stopped the unjust arrangement of forcing public sector workers to fund the political stances of a union they didn’t join. Instead of embracing…
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Should Taxpayers Underwrite Union Work?
Separating taxpayer resources from private or political purposes is a principle ingrained in our society. It's one of the many reasons Pennsylvania politicians have spent a significant amount of time…
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Pennsylvania Needs to Improve Healthcare Accessibility
Recent debates over health care reform in Washington have centered around reorganizing insurance markets, but improving America’s health care system requires a more comprehensive approach. And states can lead the…
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What does Janus mean for school choice?
On June 27th, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a historic ruling in Janus v. AFSCME. The 5-4 decision found that forcing public sector workers to pay union fees—or lose their jobs—violates their…
Read More: What does Janus mean for school choice?Public Union Democracy
Janus v. AFSCME: SCOTUS Upholds Workers’ Rights
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld workers’ rights. In a 5-4 decision, the court ruled in Janus v. AFSCME that forcing public sector workers to pay union fees—or lose their…
Read More: Janus v. AFSCME: SCOTUS Upholds Workers’ RightsPublic Union Democracy
SCOTUS Champions Worker Freedom in Historic Decision
June 27, 2018, Harrisburg, Pa. — For decades, government workers in Pennsylvania and other forced-union states have faced an unjust workplace ultimatum: Pay a union, or lose your job. But with today’s…
Press Release
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Troubling Features of Pa. Teacher Contracts
Union-negotiated collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) dictate the compensation packages and workplace conditions of over 100,000 teachers in Pennsylvania's 500 school districts—regardless of their union membership. As the “exclusive representative” of all teachers…
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Government Union Efforts to Restrict Workers’ Rights
June will bring a U.S. Supreme Court decision potentially restoring First Amendment rights to millions of public sector workers. The response from government union leaders? Schemes to continue—and further restrict—public…
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Paycheck Protection Primer
Paycheck protection ends the use of public resources to collect government unions’ political money. Under current law, state and local governments (including school districts) take both union…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Paycheck Protection PrimerEducation
Pittsburgh School District Rescinds Performance-Based Pay
In 2009, the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS) utilized a $40 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to implement a comprehensive new K-12 education program. The program, known…
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Transparency is Fundamental to Good Govt
Government transparency is a driving issue for Rep. Seth Grove. Without it, citizens can’t determine if state government is spending tax dollars efficiently. And hiding government operations from the public…
Read More: Transparency is Fundamental to Good GovtPublic Union Democracy
Reading Schools Stop Paying Ghost Teachers
Since 2011, Reading taxpayers have spent over $500,000 subsidizing the salaries of local teachers’ union officials. Finally, this unfair arrangement will end. In a practice known as “ghost teaching,”…
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Government that Works?in the Shadows
Legislation introduced by Rep. Seth Grove—House Bill 1843—injects a much-needed dose of transparency into the state budget. The proposal would give taxpayers access to critical budget documents and financial…
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PSU Graduate Students Reject Unionization
According to preliminary results, Penn State graduate assistants have voted to reject joining the Pennsylvania State Education Association. If the Coalition of Graduate Employees convinced a majority of voting graduate…
Read More: PSU Graduate Students Reject UnionizationEducation
Teacher Strike Capitol of America
Pennsylvania is the teacher strike capital of America. Since 1999, Pennsylvania families have suffered through 131 strikes, affecting 300,000 students and causing 1,383 missed school days. This research, including county,…
Press Release
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Pa. Leads the Nation in Teacher Strikes
This report compares Pennsylvania's strike laws to other states, and highlights the impact on teachers and students.
Fact Sheet
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