Nearly 6-in-10 voters grade our schools a “C” or worse, with only 4% giving them an “A.”

Voters believe PA spends far less on public education than it does, with a plurality thinking that $22,000 per student annually is too much. (From Q1 2024)

The commonwealth of Pennsylvania spends $22,000 annually per student on education. Do you believe that amount is:
Too low: 18%
About right: 37%
Too high: 45%

Pennsylvanians strongly favor educational freedom in the Commonwealth.

As you may know, children throughout the country are assigned a public school based on their home address, and most are not allowed to choose a different school. Thinking about this… Would you support or oppose giving every child in Pennsylvania the ability to attend the public school that best meets their needs?
Total support: 72%
Total Oppose: 21%

That includes overwhelming support for tax credit scholarships and Lifeline Scholarships.

And less than 1 in 4 would send their kid to a district school if costs were no concern.