Push for private transportation deals

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 5, 2007

Coverage of Governor Rendell’s press conference pushing for public-private partnerships and a Turnpike Lease in transportation in the Post-Gazette. Also speaking for P3s were US Secretary of Transportation Mary…


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PA Tax Burden Up Again

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 4, 2007

The Tax Foundation’s latest data on state and local tax burdens was released today I have been citing their data (to the consternation of the pro-government spending advocates) in…


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Pike lease idea gets mileage in Legislature

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 4, 2007

Charlie Thompson writes in the Patriot News that legislators are starting to put some thought into the potential of a Turnpike lease. The Commonwealth Foundation has a number of…


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Taxpayer Protection Act Introduced

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 3, 2007

Senator Regola news release on the introduction of the Taxpayer Protection Act in legislation. Read the Commonwealth Foundation’s news release on protecting the taxpayer.


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Mass Transit P3s

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 2, 2007

A new example of how competitive contracting for mass transit services can work is the recent Houston partnership for four bus lines. More examples can be found in…


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Exception turns into rule for property tax increases

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 29, 2007

So much for protecting property taxpayers. The Patriot-News looks at the numbe of districts applying for exemptions to Act 1. Turns out 210 of the 501 school districts have…


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The Cost of Tort

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 27, 2007

A new study from the Pacific Research Institute estimates the US tort system imposes wasteful cost of $865 billion. In terms non-billionaires can understand, this equates to almost $10,000…


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Turnpike plan makes leasing look good

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 26, 2007

The Post-Gazette has caught on to the benefits of a Turnpike Lease, at least contrasted with the Turnpike Commissions counter-proposal of more tolls on the Turnpike and on…


Read More: Turnpike plan makes leasing look good

PHEAA travel guidelines

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 22, 2007

Patriot News article on PHEAA’s consideration of new travel guidelines. PHEAA CEO Dick Willey adds: “The problem with buying bottles of wine is that they tend to add up.”…


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