Tirzah Duren
Policy Analyst
Tirzah received her bachelor’s of science in anthropology at Eastern Oregon University, and her master’s in international studies at the University of San Francisco.
A Commonwealth Foundation intern in 2017, Tirzah has also worked at organizations such as the Mercatus Center doing research and data visualization. She is happy to be back working on economic and fiscal policy for the Keystone State.
Tearing Down the Barriers to Prosperity: What Pennsylvanians Say About Poverty and Prosperity
Unlike most reports on poverty, this report combines statistics, a survey of Pennsylvanians with income below 200 percent of the poverty line, and in-depth interviews to identify common barriers to…
Executive Summary
Read More: Tearing Down the Barriers to Prosperity: What Pennsylvanians Say About Poverty and ProsperityState Budget
TEL-Tale Heart: Crafting Effective Policies to Reduce Spending
Executive Summary Increases in state spending do not result in greater prosperity for state residents, across an array of measures. In fact, increased state spending can reduce economic growth. Reducing…
Read More: TEL-Tale Heart: Crafting Effective Policies to Reduce Spending
Op-Ed: Uniform COVID-19 mandates caused major unforeseen consequences
The policy response to the pandemic is focused on one crisis at the expense of two others: a nationwide mental health toll and a significant economic recession. And for some,…
Read More: Op-Ed: Uniform COVID-19 mandates caused major unforeseen consequencesState Budget
Clear the Red Tape to Rebuild a Stronger Pennsylvania
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Wolf repealed regulations to allow our healthcare sector to respond to the evolving crisis. Nonmedical regulatory restrictions—such as permitting cocktails to-go—were also…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Clear the Red Tape to Rebuild a Stronger PennsylvaniaState Budget
Supplemental Appropriations
Supplemental appropriation is another term for overspending. In theory, this practice covers unforeseeable expenses, but it has become a normal part of the state budget process.
Fact Sheet
Read More: Supplemental Appropriations
Corporate Welfare in 3 Charts
The Governor’s Executive budget includes updated estimates for spending on corporate welfare, which is government favoritism of one sector or business over others. This favoritism is disquised under less innocuous…
Fact Sheet
Read More: Corporate Welfare in 3 Charts
Op-Ed: Wolf’s budget hits Philly while it’s still down
Among the myriad issues currently affecting small businesses in Philadelphia, Gov. Wolf’s proposed tax increases shouldn’t be one of them.
Read More: Op-Ed: Wolf’s budget hits Philly while it’s still downState Budget
The Taxpayer Protection Act
KEY POINTS Pennsylvania’s frequent budget deficits are the consequence of chronic overspending. Pennsylvanians pay $4,589 per person in state and local taxes, which equals 10.2 percent of residents’ total…
Read More: The Taxpayer Protection Act
Op-Ed: Pa. Lawmakers must challenge endless Covid lockdowns in 2021
How Pennsylvania lawmakers can help job creators — and those they support — recover in 2021.
Read More: Op-Ed: Pa. Lawmakers must challenge endless Covid lockdowns in 2021Energy
Energy Shows Why Regulatory Reform is Key
Right now in Pennsylvania —the second-largest energy-producing state behind Texas— Governor Wolf is using executive action to attempt to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). This interstate…
Read More: Energy Shows Why Regulatory Reform is Key
Liquor Monopoly Can’t Make the PLCB Successful
After closing state stores, the PLCB attempted online sales, but the website was unable to handle the increased traffic. As a “solution,” the PLCB implemented lottery-like randomization to limit online purchases and…
Read More: Liquor Monopoly Can’t Make the PLCB Successful
Nurse Practitioners Are the Heroes Our Healthcare Needs
Through HB 100, a pilot program would duplicate this year’s rule suspension within the limits of location- and population-based Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA), a federal designation of provider shortages.
Read More: Nurse Practitioners Are the Heroes Our Healthcare Needs
Regulatory Reform: Three Ways to Jumpstart the Post-COVID Economy
At the beginning of April, over 80% of small businesses were at risk of closing if the shutdown continued for five more months. As of July, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce…
Read More: Regulatory Reform: Three Ways to Jumpstart the Post-COVID EconomyHealth Care
Free-market Face Lift: How to Make Health Care More Affordable
Excessive restrictions on health care providers limits access to care. …
Read More: Free-market Face Lift: How to Make Health Care More AffordableRegulation
Competition, Not Corporate Welfare: 3 Ways to Help All Businesses Flourish
To effectively promote economic growth and job creation, policymakers need to stop investing tax dollars in failed programs and start enacting policies that benefit a wide range of job creators.
Read More: Competition, Not Corporate Welfare: 3 Ways to Help All Businesses Flourish
Pennsylvania’s “Great” Economy
The variety of businesses in Pennsylvania manage to function despite the state’s business environment, not because of it.
Read More: Pennsylvania’s “Great” Economy
Op-Ed: Financial recovery is as important as ending the lockdown
The Commonwealth should learn from states like Colorado to ensure financial stability for the state in the future.
Read More: Op-Ed: Financial recovery is as important as ending the lockdownEnergy
Pa. Can Energize Its Energy Sector by Cutting Red Tape—Not with Industry Subsidies
This week the state legislature passed House Bill 732. The bill—designed to exempt volunteer service providers from a 1 percent realty transfer tax— now offers tax credits to the…
Read More: Pa. Can Energize Its Energy Sector by Cutting Red Tape—Not with Industry SubsidiesHealth Care
2020: The year of challenges, can be the year of solutions
This year started rough and it isn’t slowing down. While some of these tragedies don’t have a policy solution, many do. One such example is COVID-19, telehealth, and ensuring that our…
Read More: 2020: The year of challenges, can be the year of solutionsHealth Care
Liquor Licensing: Too Hot for PLCB to Handle
For restaurant owners in Pennsylvania, the new release Too Hot To Handle is more than pure entertainment, the winnings are almost enough for them to purchase an elusive liquor license. …
Read More: Liquor Licensing: Too Hot for PLCB to HandleHealth Care
Pennsylvania’s Healthcare Should Always be Crisis Ready
COVID-19 has done its part to highlight the weaknesses of Pennsylvania’s healthcare sector. Primarily, what has been revealed is a lack of flexibility, and regulations that make it difficult to…
Read More: Pennsylvania’s Healthcare Should Always be Crisis Ready