Health Care

Explaining the Town-Hall Protests

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2009

John Goodman – the health care policy guru, not the star of Arachnophobia – has an editorial in Friday’s Wall Street Journal on those protesting Obama’s version of health…


Read More: Explaining the Town-Hall Protests

State Budget

Is Cash for Clunkers the Dumbest Government Program Ever?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 24, 2009

Chris Edwards of Cato suggests “Cash for Clunkers” is the dumbest government program of all time: A few billion dollars worth of wealth was destroyed. About 750,000…


Read More: Is Cash for Clunkers the Dumbest Government Program Ever?

Public Union Democracy

Address the Spending Side on Road Funding First

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2009

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation issued a statement responding to our blog post that explains state transportation spending has increased 121% since 1995, more than triple the rate…


Read More: Address the Spending Side on Road Funding First


We’re Twice as Smart of the People of Shelbyville

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 21, 2009

Harley-Davidson continues to tour business friendly states to re-locate its York plant that employs over 2,000 workers – among the four options considered are Shelbyville, Indiana and Shelbyville, Kentucky.


Read More: We’re Twice as Smart of the People of Shelbyville

Health Care

Post-Gazette Combats Health Care “Lies” With Actual Lies

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 21, 2009

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette columnist Sally Kalson has a ridiculous piece on health care reform (HT PA Watercooler), in which she admittedly fabricates a number of proposals she “imagines” Republicans would…


Read More: Post-Gazette Combats Health Care “Lies” With Actual Lies

State Budget

Cash for Clunkers Crash and Burns

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 21, 2009

The New York Times reports that car dealers in New York have pulled out of the government’s cost-shifting program to aid automakers in Detroit under the banner…


Read More: Cash for Clunkers Crash and Burns

Taxes & Economy

Auditor General Finds More Waste and Fraud in Pennsylvania Welfare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 20, 2009

A new report from Pennsylvania Auditor General Jack Wagner finds that the Special Allowances program in the Department of Public Welfare is “rife with mismanagement and potential for fraud.” …


Read More: Auditor General Finds More Waste and Fraud in Pennsylvania Welfare