State Budget

Is Rendell Violating the Federal Minimum Wage Act?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • July 23, 2009

Here’s a note from a state worker that asks us an interesting question: Is Rendell violating the federal Minimum Wage Act (which goes up again this week)…


Read More: Is Rendell Violating the Federal Minimum Wage Act?

State Budget

How Much Did Pennsylvania Spend Last Year?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 23, 2009

Here is a simple question: Given we have closed the books on last year’s state budget for three weeks, how much did  Pennsylvania spend last year?  Unfortunately, the answer isn’t…


Read More: How Much Did Pennsylvania Spend Last Year?

Taxes & Economy

Minimum wage up again

  • July 22, 2009

On Friday, Pennsylvania’s minimum wage will increase ten cents, to $7.25 an hour. During already troubling economic times, the increase in minimum wage will hurt business, and will not…


Read More: Minimum wage up again

CF in the Blogosphere

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 22, 2009

Here is a roundup of recent blogs linking to the Commonwealth Foundation in one way or another. Pro-Life PA links to us linking to a video demonstration of the…


Read More: CF in the Blogosphere

Government Accountability

Government Ethics: Alaska vs. Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 22, 2009

Amanda Carpenter writes about a report that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin may be cited (though no penalties would be attached) for ethics violations for … wait for it ……


Read More: Government Ethics: Alaska vs. Pennsylvania


Gaming Board Cashing Out

  • July 22, 2009

It is common knowledge that the Gaming Control Board, and its employees, receive generous paychecks, fatter than they deserve relative to the prevailing market for comparable work and skills.


Read More: Gaming Board Cashing Out

State Budget

Your $28 Million Dollar Pork Dinner

  • July 21, 2009

With growing criticism of the effectiveness of President Obama $787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan mounting, several recent purchases by the Department of Agriculture have American taxpayers in a…


Read More: Your $28 Million Dollar Pork Dinner