Taxes & Economy

Dear Gas Companies: Replenish Our Slush Fund

  • October 13, 2010

Among PennFuture’s justifications for demanding a natural gas tax, as Katrina mentioned earlier, is that Pennsylvania’s “Growing Greener” funding “has all been spent.” Since the program…


Read More: Dear Gas Companies: Replenish Our Slush Fund


How HB 2497 Costs Taxpayers $67 Billion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 13, 2010

A supporter writes, saying he called his state Senator about HB 2497, and the lawmaker told him the bill would “save money.” As we’ve…


Read More: How HB 2497 Costs Taxpayers $67 Billion

Lots More Legislation on Tap in Harrisburg this Week

  • October 13, 2010

As in the norm in the Pennsylvania state capitol, lawmakers don’t pass a whole lot throught the year (despite being a full-time legislature) and then, at the very end of…


Read More: Lots More Legislation on Tap in Harrisburg this Week

School Choice Saves Children from Failing Schools and Taxpayer Money

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • October 13, 2010

Chairman Piccola, and members of the Committee, thank you for the invitation to testify today. I’m Matt Brouillette, president of the Commonwealth Foundation for Public Policy Alternatives. But I am…


Read More: School Choice Saves Children from Failing Schools and Taxpayer Money

Taxes & Economy

PennFuture Will Say Anything to Get a Gas Tax

  • October 13, 2010

Here’s a letter to the editor I submitted in response to inflammatory claims made by PennFuture’s Jan Jarret and AFL-CIO’s Richard Bloomingdale about a severance tax: A recent editorial…


Read More: PennFuture Will Say Anything to Get a Gas Tax

Blog Roundup

  • October 13, 2010

Check out these noteworthy posts that showed up in the blogosphere this week: The Tax Foundation tells us why “state budget deficits” is a loaded meaningless term used by…


Read More: Blog Roundup

Taxes & Economy

PennFuture: Just Give Us Your Money Already

  • October 12, 2010

Like Gov. Ed Rendell, PennFuture today held a whining session (were they at the same one?) about the Senate’s “failure” to pass a severance tax on natural…


Read More: PennFuture: Just Give Us Your Money Already

Rendell: Just Give Me Your Money Already

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 12, 2010

Gov. Ed “if you vote for Republicans you might die” Rendell held another lame-duck press conference today to quack about not getting higher taxes. Whining that the PA Constitutional…


Read More: Rendell: Just Give Me Your Money Already