Taxes & Economy

Severance Tax at Odds with State Constitution

  • October 1, 2010

Earlier this week, Nate Benefield blogged on the unconstitutional process of the House-passed natural gas severance tax bill (SB 1155). This bill did not originate in the House,…


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Are More Educational Options in PA’s Future?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 30, 2010

Both gubernatorial candidates have voiced support for government-funded grants to allow parents to choose an alternative school for their children. Sen. Jeffrey Piccola, Chairman of the Senate Education Committee, is…


Read More: Are More Educational Options in PA’s Future?


Could Legislation End Church Potlucks?

  • September 30, 2010

States are imposing professional licensing in more and more areas of our daily lives; restricting good intentions, individual entrepreneurship, and now threatening an essential part of church…


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Taxes & Economy

Governor Rendell Earns a D on Fiscal Policy

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 30, 2010

Cato’s 2010 Fiscal Report Card on America’s Governors is out. Not surprisingly, Pennsylvania ranks low. With a score of 40 points, Gov. Ed Rendell earns a D for his…


Read More: Governor Rendell Earns a D on Fiscal Policy

Government Accountability

Severance Tax Legislation: The Process Stinks Too

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 29, 2010

The Pennsylvania House amended legislation to impose a severance tax on natural gas last night, and will likely vote on the bill tonight. We wrote yesterday about the merits…


Read More: Severance Tax Legislation: The Process Stinks Too

Government Accountability

Grassroots Activists Battle Special Interest Agenda

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 29, 2010

Earlier this year, we blogged on HB 2246, which would have allowed trial lawyers in auto cases to suggest the amount of compensation their plaintiffs should receive for their…


Read More: Grassroots Activists Battle Special Interest Agenda