Liquor Poll – Snack Mix

  • July 29, 2020

Thank you for your input! We'll continue to update you on Pennsylvania's push for liquor reform.


Read More: Liquor Poll – Snack Mix

Wolf Reluctantly Gives In On Transparency During Emergencies

  • Michael Torres
  • July 27, 2020

Yesterday, a transparency bill requiring state and local government to continue fulfilling Right-to-Know requests under the Pa. Open Records law during emergency declarations became law without the governor’s signature.


Read More: Wolf Reluctantly Gives In On Transparency During Emergencies


Public Charter Schools Discounted, Ignored During COVID-19

  • Stefanie Mason
  • July 24, 2020

We were told that school districts and Intermediate Units were the experts on cyber education. We were told they were so great that alternatives, like cyber charter schools, should be eliminated.


Read More: Public Charter Schools Discounted, Ignored During COVID-19

How is Gov. Wolf Handling COVID – Toss-Up

  • July 21, 2020

Thanks for voting! We'll send out the results when the poll ends next week. Further thoughts to share? Let us know! We want to hear how you're doing. Wolf Poll…


Read More: How is Gov. Wolf Handling COVID – Toss-Up

How is Gov. Wolf Handling COVID – Good

  • July 21, 2020

Thanks for voting! We'll send out the results when the poll ends next week. Further thoughts to share? Let us know! We want to hear how you're doing. Wolf Poll…


Read More: How is Gov. Wolf Handling COVID – Good

How is Gov. Wolf Handling COVID – Terrible

  • July 20, 2020

Thanks for voting! We'll send out the results when the poll ends next week. Further thoughts to share? Let us know! We want to hear how you're doing. Wolf Poll…


Read More: How is Gov. Wolf Handling COVID – Terrible

Government Accountability

Pa?s unemployment rate down in May, but still at near-record levels

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2020

More than 13% of Pennsylvania workers were officially unemployed in May, according to U.S. Department of Labor data released Friday. That’s an improvement from April’s record-setting 15.1% unemployment rate, but still the second highest rate…


Read More: Pa?s unemployment rate down in May, but still at near-record levels

Criminal Justice Reform

Legislation Moves to Reform Licensing Laws for Citizens with Criminal Records

  • Jessica Barnett
  • June 16, 2020

With a unanimous committee vote, the state House has opened the door to prosperity for 3 million Pennsylvanians. This week, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee passed legislation helping incarcerated citizens…


Read More: Legislation Moves to Reform Licensing Laws for Citizens with Criminal Records