Gov. Wolf Threatens Veto, Denying Schools Flexibility they Want

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 10, 2016

Yesterday, James wrote about the passage of HB 805—legislation that would protect excellent teachers by using performance, not seniority, as the primary factor in furlough decisions. You can view the…


Read More: Gov. Wolf Threatens Veto, Denying Schools Flexibility they Want


Senate Protects Excellent Teachers, Sends Bill to Wolf

  • James Paul
  • May 9, 2016

In a crucial victory for both students and teachers, the Protecting Excellent Teachers Act passed the Senate this afternoon with a vote of 26 to 22. HB 805, championed…


Read More: Senate Protects Excellent Teachers, Sends Bill to Wolf

Health Care

Free Market Solution Expands Access to Care

  • James Paul
  • May 5, 2016

Harmful regulations prevent Pennsylvania’s nurse practitioners—highly-trained medical professionals who interpret diagnostic tests, treat chronic conditions, and prescribe medication—from doing what they do best: providing quality health care for patients in…


Read More: Free Market Solution Expands Access to Care


The Consequences of Concentrated Power

  • May 4, 2016

We aren't the type of people to begrudge anyone a well-deserved raise. But when it's a $9,000 raise for an inessential position running a government booze monopoly…well, that raises some…


Read More: The Consequences of Concentrated Power


Tom Wolf vs. Barack Obama on Charters

  • James Paul
  • May 3, 2016

It’s safe to assume Governor Tom Wolf and President Barack Obama agree on many policy issues. But when it comes to public charter schools, Wolf and Obama are worlds apart.


Read More: Tom Wolf vs. Barack Obama on Charters

Public Union Democracy

Pension Debt Grows by Another Billion

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 3, 2016

Last week the State Employees' Retirement System (SERS) announced its total unfunded liability increased from $18.44 billion in 2015 to $18.79 billion. In truth, SERS'…


Read More: Pension Debt Grows by Another Billion


Making the Most of New Funding Formula

  • James Paul
  • April 27, 2016

A recent report from ABC 27 asks: “Will lawmakers stick with new education funding formula next year?” At issue is whether Pennsylvania’s student-based formula will be retained in…


Read More: Making the Most of New Funding Formula

State Budget

Middle Class Loses Under Gov. Wolf’s Budget

  • April 26, 2016

The Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) released a sober analysis of Gov. Wolf’s 2016-17 budget proposal. It examines the consequences of eight separate tax increases as well as a minimum…


Read More: Middle Class Loses Under Gov. Wolf’s Budget


Budget Complete as Fiscal Code Becomes Law

  • James Paul
  • April 25, 2016

Late on Friday afternoon, Gov. Tom Wolf quietly announced the fiscal code will become law without his signature. This significant development closes the door on a tumultuous year of…


Read More: Budget Complete as Fiscal Code Becomes Law