Government Accountability

Transparency Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature

  • April 6, 2016

Last month, Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his “Government that Works” plan to reform contracting practices and increase transparency in government. Now, the state Legislature has given Wolf…


Read More: Transparency Bill Awaits Governor’s Signature


Wolf’s False Choice

  • March 31, 2016

If lawmakers don’t raise taxes, Pennsylvanians should brace for drastic cuts to education and human services. This myth is promoted endlessly by the Wolf Administration to justify taking…


Read More: Wolf’s False Choice


Rhetoric vs. Reality

  • March 25, 2016

Pennsylvania’s nine-month budget saga has concluded, but not everyone is pleased with the ending. The Philadelphia Inquirer published a caustic editorial criticizing state lawmakers for failing to surrender…


Read More: Rhetoric vs. Reality


Audio: State Worker Costs & EPA Mandates Burden Pennsylvanians

  • Catherine Fitzhugh
  • March 25, 2016

State employee compensation costs have soared to nearly $93,000 per worker per year, with health care and pensions the largest contributors. Meanwhile, costly EPA mandates on carbon and mercury…


Read More: Audio: State Worker Costs & EPA Mandates Burden Pennsylvanians

March Madness Union Dues Scam

  • March 25, 2016

To flush their political coffer with cash, the Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculty (APSCUF) runs a dues rebate campaign annually. APSCUF designs the rebate campaign by first…


Read More: March Madness Union Dues Scam


The Final Piece of Budget Business in Limbo

  • James Paul
  • March 24, 2016

After nine months of gridlock, Gov. Tom Wolf finally surrendered his 2015 quest for higher taxes on families and small businesses. On Monday morning, Pennsylvania will enjoy a completed state…


Read More: The Final Piece of Budget Business in Limbo

State Budget

Victory Over Wolf Tax Hikes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2016

Pennsylvania's 267 day budget impasse has finally come to an end…with a taxpayer victory! HB 1801 will become law without Tom Wolf's signature. The governor refuses to sign the budget,…


Read More: Victory Over Wolf Tax Hikes

Health Care

Improving Health Care Access While Cutting Costs

  • James Paul
  • March 23, 2016

Is it possible to improve health care access while also cutting a costs? Yes—according to a recent study by Edward Timmons of the Mercatus Center. Writing in U.S.


Read More: Improving Health Care Access While Cutting Costs

Health Care

6 Reasons Obamacare is a Failure

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2016

Lower costs? Improved access? Six years later, the Affordable Care Act still falls painfully short of these noble goals. Years after most of the ACA's “goodies” have been implemented,…


Read More: 6 Reasons Obamacare is a Failure