
No, We’re Not Underfunding Public Schools

  • James Paul
  • February 29, 2016

My latest op-ed at PennLive debunks several school funding myths that continue to haunt Pennsylvania: While local school revenue is notably high (6th in the nation), state revenue…


Read More: No, We’re Not Underfunding Public Schools

State Budget

No One Person is to Blame for Pennsylvania’s Problems

  • February 26, 2016

Proponents of bigger goverment have crafted a narrative that government has been cut to the bone. Pennsylvania needs massive tax hikes, they say, to repair the damage done by Gov. Corbett, whose slash-and-burn budgeting…


Read More: No One Person is to Blame for Pennsylvania’s Problems


Ghost Teachers Cost Allentown Millions

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 25, 2016

Allentown School District is no stranger to financial troubles. The third largest public school system in the commonwealth has been in financial distress for years. In 2011, the district…


Read More: Ghost Teachers Cost Allentown Millions

Governor Wolf’s Sixth Tax Hike Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 24, 2016

As noted in previous posts, Gov. Tom Wolf has proposed tax hike totaling $2.7 billion over a full year—or $850 per family of four. About half of this increase…


Read More: Governor Wolf’s Sixth Tax Hike Plan


Addressing the Confusion on Compensation

  • February 23, 2016

Yesterday we issued a press release on public employee compensation, which is now causing quite a stir on social media. One commenter accused us of engaging in “shenanigans.” Another…


Read More: Addressing the Confusion on Compensation

Public Union Democracy

The Pretense of Democratic Unions

  • February 22, 2016

Control over the largest local teachers union in Pennsylvania is up for grabs. The Caucus of Working Educators (WE) is challenging the leadership of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers…


Read More: The Pretense of Democratic Unions


Pennsylvania Must Control Compensation Costs

  • February 22, 2016

The soaring costs of public employee compensation, if left unchecked, could aggravate Pennsylvania’s financial troubles. The growth in employee benefits, which have skyrocketed since 2006, is driving this upward trend…


Read More: Pennsylvania Must Control Compensation Costs


A Tale of Two School Districts

  • James Paul
  • February 19, 2016

North Allegheny School District and Pittsburgh School District are barely a dozen miles apart, but their budgeting approaches for the next fiscal year are worlds apart.   Thanks to rising pension…


Read More: A Tale of Two School Districts