State Budget

Framework Dead, Time for a No-Tax Hike Spending Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 21, 2015

Despite legislative action this past weekend, a “framework budget” and a looming vote to raise taxes now appear to be off the table. The next step must be to pass…


Read More: Framework Dead, Time for a No-Tax Hike Spending Plan


Government Liquor is a Liability

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 18, 2015

Liquor privatization came dangerously close to reality this year with a true privatization plan passing both houses of the legislature in June only to be stonewalled by the governor. So…


Read More: Government Liquor is a Liability

Taxes & Economy

Latest Wolf Tax Plan Eliminates 6,500 Jobs

  • James Paul
  • December 18, 2015

If Gov. Wolf succeeds in raising Pennsylvania’s personal income tax from 3.07 percent to 3.30 percent (an increase of 7.5 percent in the rate), what will be the impact on…


Read More: Latest Wolf Tax Plan Eliminates 6,500 Jobs

Public Union Democracy

Tax Hike of Christmas Past?

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • December 17, 2015

Given the rumblings of an imminent vote on higher income taxes, it's important to remember what happened 12 years ago (nearly to the day!) with our state budget. Ed Rendell was…


Read More: Tax Hike of Christmas Past?

One Idea that’s Changing the World

  • December 17, 2015

The world has made astounding progress in the last few decades, with world poverty dropping by more than 80 percent in just 36 years. While the dramatic reduction is…


Read More: One Idea that’s Changing the World

What’s in the Latest Tax Hike Plan?

  • December 17, 2015

Editors Note: updated (12/18) to reflect recent developments As reported by ABC 27 and others, Pennsylvania House leaders will hold a vote on an estimated $1.8 billion tax…


Read More: What’s in the Latest Tax Hike Plan?


Wolf’s School Funding Cuts

  • James Paul
  • December 16, 2015

In a nutshell, Gov. Tom Wolf’s guiding philosophy on education reform is to spend more money on public schools. Embracing the repeatedly-debunked myth of education cuts under the previous…


Read More: Wolf’s School Funding Cuts

Health Care

Celebrating Crummy Care

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 15, 2015

Midnight is the enrollment deadline for the hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians who want to remained insured through To no one's surprise, the rush to enroll has led to another…


Read More: Celebrating Crummy Care


House Pension Compromise Is Step in Right Direction

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 15, 2015

The pension reform bill is quickly making its way through the Pa. House. The latest iteration, SB 1071, mirrors the Senate's version (SB 1082; read our summary here),…


Read More: House Pension Compromise Is Step in Right Direction