Taxes & Economy

Minimum Wage

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 19, 2015

Pennsylvanians dodged a lot of bad policy in the final budget deal. One less talked about issue was the Governor's $10.10 minimum wage proposal. In the waning days of the…


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10 Reasons to Banish the Booze Bureaucracy

  • November 18, 2015

Gov. Wolf is committed to protecting the government's monopoly on the sale of wine and liquor. When talking to reporters this past Monday, the governor’s spokesman said of Wolf…


Read More: 10 Reasons to Banish the Booze Bureaucracy


Tax Shifts and Education Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 18, 2015

As proposals to reduce, reform, or (mostly) eliminate school property taxes continue to be debated in Harrisburg, many readers have asked about our position on a dollar-for-dollar tax shift,…


Read More: Tax Shifts and Education Spending


How is Property Tax Relief Doled Out?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • November 17, 2015

Among the many questions in a tentative state budget deal is how revenue from the sales tax increase would be distributed. The Associated Press notes this will be…


Read More: How is Property Tax Relief Doled Out?


Philly Union Priorities: Politics over Teachers

  • James Paul
  • November 17, 2015

How would you feel if your employer took funds meant for your health insurance and spent them on partisan politics? Sadly, this is a reality for thousands of teachers in…


Read More: Philly Union Priorities: Politics over Teachers

Government Accountability

PA Fails Integrity Test

  • November 16, 2015

There is a clear need for improved governmental accountability and transparency in Pennsylvania, but how does the commonwealth compare to the rest of the country? According to the Center…


Read More: PA Fails Integrity Test


For Property Tax Relief, Give Voters Control

  • James Paul
  • November 13, 2015

Should voters have the right to approve property tax increases? This is a central point of contention within a rumored budget framework that purports to provide Pennsylvanians with property tax…


Read More: For Property Tax Relief, Give Voters Control

State Budget

Horse Racing Subsidies vs. Property Tax Relief

  • November 13, 2015

Is a $600 million tax increase needed to end a five month-long budget impasse? Lawmakers are considering it. Yet, a shortage of tax revenue is not the source of…


Read More: Horse Racing Subsidies vs. Property Tax Relief