State Budget

Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Tax Hike Vote

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • October 7, 2015

Today, lawmakers will vote on Gov. Wolf’s third proposal for a tax increase. This “third time’s a charm” scheme reveals that Gov. Wolf has acknowledged…


Read More: Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Tax Hike Vote

State Budget

Wolf’s Tax Hikes: Version 3.0

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 6, 2015

Today, Gov. Wolf unveiled a 3rd proposal for a tax increase. This represents both good news and bad news for taxpayers. The good news is that Wolf now concedes that…


Read More: Wolf’s Tax Hikes: Version 3.0

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Shrinking Population Problem

  • October 6, 2015

In The Office finale, Jim and Pam decide to pack up their family and move from Scranton, Pennsylvania to Austin, Texas. While Jim and Pam aren't real, their fictional trek to Texas…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Shrinking Population Problem

State Budget

Gov. Wolf’s Tax Plan Would Devastate Dale

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 5, 2015

Dale Kaplan is a survivor. His family-run dry cleaning business has weathered declining volume, thanks to innovations like no-iron dress shirts, and a devastating fire. Now Dale’s 27 year old business…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s Tax Plan Would Devastate Dale

State Budget

Can You Afford $1,000 More?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 5, 2015

On Wednesday, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a major tax increase. This vote will be, in all likelihood, on a proposal Gov. Tom…


Read More: Can You Afford $1,000 More?

State Budget

Wolf Truth Squad: Tax Hikes on Working Families

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 2, 2015

UPDATE: Gov. Wolf offered a new tax proposal on October 6, 2015. Here is a summary of that plan   As noted yesterday, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives…


Read More: Wolf Truth Squad: Tax Hikes on Working Families


The Mirage of Green Jobs

  • Gordon Tomb
  • October 2, 2015

Promoters of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s carbon-emission regulation attempt to playdown the jobs it would kill with promises of “green jobs”. Yet these positions pay less and are largely…


Read More: The Mirage of Green Jobs

Tax Hike Vote: Four Things to Know

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 1, 2015

UPDATE: Gov. Wolf offered a new tax proposal on October 6, 2015. Here is a summary of that plan   Legislative leaders have promised that on Wednesday October 7,…


Read More: Tax Hike Vote: Four Things to Know