
New Wolf Offer, Same Bad Policy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 17, 2015

Yesterday, 28 days after receiving a budget compromise proposal from legislative Republicans, Gov. Wolf rejected that offer and issued his own plan—hiring a private contractor to manage the government liquor…


Read More: New Wolf Offer, Same Bad Policy

Taxes & Economy

Leader of the Free World?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 16, 2015

What do Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates and Canada have in common? Their citizens all enjoy more economic freedom than Americans. According to the 2015 Economic Freedom of the World Index,…


Read More: Leader of the Free World?


Audio: Getting Government Out of the Booze Business

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • September 16, 2015

A majority of Pennsylvanians support a privatized liquor industry, but government unions use their financial clout to ensure the state government maintains a monopoly over wine and spirits. WILK’s…


Read More: Audio: Getting Government Out of the Booze Business


Young Teachers Pay the Price for Pension Politics

  • James Paul
  • September 15, 2015

The first month of a new school year is an exciting—but stressful—time for school teachers. This is particularly true for young, newly-hired teachers who must quickly acclimate to their students,…


Read More: Young Teachers Pay the Price for Pension Politics

State Budget

Free the Budget Hostages

  • Matthew Brouillette, Nathan Benefield
  • September 15, 2015

This week, lawmakers are expected to vote for a “stop-gap budget”—funding state services and programs for a few months, while continuing to negotiate a budget compromise. Yet, some politicians oppose…


Read More: Free the Budget Hostages


The PLCB: Fermented Grape’s Gatekeeper

  • September 14, 2015

Last week 90.5 WESA published a story about the PA Preferred Wine Program—a tool designed to help promote Pennsylvania wines. The program allows in-state wine producers to apply for…


Read More: The PLCB: Fermented Grape’s Gatekeeper

Public Union Democracy

Setting the Record Straight on Pensions

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 11, 2015

Government union leaders argue against meaningful pension reform with radical rallying cries like, “Your pension is under attack!” and mounds of other misinformation. Here's a quick fact check on some…


Read More: Setting the Record Straight on Pensions


Audio: Budget Impasse Debate

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • September 10, 2015

With the state budget impasse in its third month, funding for critical things such as education and social services remains in question.  CF’s Elizabeth Stelle spoke with WHYY’s Marty Moss-Coane and opposite…


Read More: Audio: Budget Impasse Debate

Public Union Democracy

Union Dues are Used for Politics (and Members Don’t Know It)

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 10, 2015

Yesterday's blog post and infographic noted how union dues from Pennsylvania teachers and state workers fund political ads from America Works USA. In response, on both Twitter…


Read More: Union Dues are Used for Politics (and Members Don’t Know It)