Union Leader Still Flouting the Law

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2015

Yesterday’s Post-Gazette featured a story highlighting the fact that Wendell Young still isn’t registered to lobby, and UFCW 1776 is underreporting their expenses: Mr. Young isn’t registered as…


Read More: Union Leader Still Flouting the Law


Gov. Wolf’s So-Called Compromise

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 17, 2015

Gov. Wolf proposed a new “compromise” on pensions and the budget last week, according to news reports. Here is what that compromise includes: A defined contribution plan for new…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s So-Called Compromise


Pension Reform to Protect my Kids

  • August 17, 2015

I chose teaching because I enjoy interacting with students and helping them learn.  My science classes show students that certain actions yield predictable results.  With this in mind, I am…


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Government Accountability

New Contract, Still no Transparency

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 14, 2015

The newest state contract with AFSCME—the union representing more than 30,000 state workers—was signed earlier this week. The contract was agreed to in April, then ratified by…


Read More: New Contract, Still no Transparency

4.6 Billion Is the Loneliest Number

  • Gina Diorio
  • August 12, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf and the state legislature have agreed on legislation 39 times this year, the Pittsburgh Tribune notes. But when it came time to vote on Wolf’s $4.6…


Read More: 4.6 Billion Is the Loneliest Number

State Budget

Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Budget Blindspot

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 12, 2015

CF’s Nate Benefield joins Dom Giordano on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT to discuss the budget impasse and Gov. Wolf’s misleading claims. During their conversation, Nate shed light on Gov.


Read More: Audio: Gov. Wolf’s Budget Blindspot


Entrepreneurs Speak Out Against the PLCB

  • August 10, 2015

Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) partisans are quick to defend the agency as an asset for the state, but the PLCB’s finances—and the entrepreneurs who deal with the booze bureaucracy—tell a different story. On the financial front, the board reported $117 million in net…


Read More: Entrepreneurs Speak Out Against the PLCB

State Budget

Listen: Telephone Townhall on PA Budget and More

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • August 10, 2015

Matt Brouillette and Rich Zeoli of Talk Radio 1210 WPHT answer questions about the Pennsylvania budget during a telephone town hall. Matt explains how Gov. Wolf's tax plan that would smack…


Read More: Listen: Telephone Townhall on PA Budget and More

State Budget

Silly Talk with Gov. Wolf

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf appeared on Radio Smart Talk yesterday morning. He mostly danced around host Scott LaMar's questions—claiming “You don't know what I’ve been supporting” on pension reform, and…


Read More: Silly Talk with Gov. Wolf