
Could Coal’s Savior be PA’s Legislature?

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Gordon Tomb
  • August 5, 2015

180 workers in CONSOL Energy’s coal division recently lost their jobs. Now, Pennsylvania’s legislature may be the only thing standing between the Obama administration and complete destruction of the…


Read More: Could Coal’s Savior be PA’s Legislature?


Discouraging Signs in York City

  • James Paul
  • August 5, 2015

The consequences of Gov. Tom Wolf’s lock-step fealty to public sector union interests are being felt across the state and particularly in York City—where one of Wolf’s…


Read More: Discouraging Signs in York City


Union Politicking Shows Need for Mary’s Law

  • Gina Diorio
  • August 4, 2015

Political mailers supporting candidates are par for the course during elections—unless those mailers are sent by government unions and funded with members’ dues. Then, they’re illegal. But that didn’t stop…


Read More: Union Politicking Shows Need for Mary’s Law

Public Union Democracy

The Elephant in Gov. Wolf’s Reception Room

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2015

A few recent articles and editorials have directed attention to political contributions by gas drillers, while ignoring a far larger and more powerful interest group—government unions. The fact is, political spending…


Read More: The Elephant in Gov. Wolf’s Reception Room

Gov. Wolf’s Agenda is Hurting PA Families

  • August 3, 2015

Abby and Micah Dunn are raising their three young boys in central Pennsylvania. Families like the Dunns will see a $1,400 tax increase if Gov. Wolf gets the tax…


Read More: Gov. Wolf’s Agenda is Hurting PA Families


Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto Warns Wolf on Pension Bonds

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • July 30, 2015

This week, Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto criticized Gov. Wolf’s plan to sell $3 billion in pension obligation bonds. In a meeting with editors and reporters from the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review,…


Read More: Pittsburgh Mayor Peduto Warns Wolf on Pension Bonds

State Budget

Which States Have the Biggest Tax Increases?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 30, 2015

Previously, we blogged on how Gov. Wolf’s tax proposal raises more revenue than the tax proposals in the 49 other states combined. To put this another way, Wolf’s $4.6 billion tax increase is nearly $4 billion more…


Read More: Which States Have the Biggest Tax Increases?

State Budget

Pay No Attention to Those Tax Increases!

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 29, 2015

The liberal Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center—an arm of the union-funded Keystone Research Center—has a new claim that Gov. Wolf's “property tax relief” is similiar to that in a bill passed…


Read More: Pay No Attention to Those Tax Increases!

State Budget

When Will Gov. Wolf Compromise?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 28, 2015

My letter to the editor in the Times Leader today takes Gov. Wolf to task for claiming to compromise, while still insisting on his sales and income tax increases—the largest tax…


Read More: When Will Gov. Wolf Compromise?