State Budget

Has Wolf Dropped His Unpopular Tax Demands?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 30, 2015

Throughout this state budget debate, Gov. Wolf has touted his natural gas severance tax to fund education. And some reporters refer to the severance tax as the “cornerstone” or “…


Read More: Has Wolf Dropped His Unpopular Tax Demands?

Government Accountability

Contract Transparency Still Critical

  • June 29, 2015

Harrisburg is abuzz as the budget battle continues. With high profile legislation on liquor privatization, pension and education reform receiving much attention, it’s easy to lose sight of a fundamental…


Read More: Contract Transparency Still Critical

Taxes & Economy

Why a Severance Tax is a Bad Idea

  • June 29, 2015

As lawmakers work on passing a state budget, one of Gov. Wolf’s top priorities—a severance tax on the natural gas industry—is being hotly debated. Here are six reasons why a…


Read More: Why a Severance Tax is a Bad Idea

Of Volkswagens and Public Schools

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 29, 2015

In a story by Capitolwire (paywall), state Rep. Curtis Thomas is quoted as saying, “We cannot ask children to give us Cadillac performance when you give them Volkswagen dollars to…


Read More: Of Volkswagens and Public Schools

Health Care

Losers Outnumber Winners Under King v Burwell Decision

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 26, 2015

Yesterday’s US Supreme Court decision to uphold taxpayer subsidies on brought a collective sigh of relief to Pennsylvanians, like Barbara, who depend on subsidies to make health insurance…


Read More: Losers Outnumber Winners Under King v Burwell Decision

Government Accountability

An Update on Union Contracts

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 25, 2015

Earlier this week, the House State Government Committee moved SB 644 and SB 645—bills which would provide taxpayers greater information about contracts with government unions—to the House floor.


Read More: An Update on Union Contracts


Strip Clubs and the Case for Liquor Privatization

  • June 24, 2015

Strip club entertainment A stay at the Ritz Carlton Pittsburgh Steelers tickets Philadelphia Eagles tickets iPad 2 World Series ticket This is a just a short list of the items…


Read More: Strip Clubs and the Case for Liquor Privatization


House Votes to Protect Excellent Teachers

  • James Paul
  • June 24, 2015

Seniority-based teacher furloughs may soon become a relic of the past for Pennsylvania public schools. On Tuesday evening, the state House approved Rep. Stephen Bloom’s HB 805—the Protecting…


Read More: House Votes to Protect Excellent Teachers

Taxes & Economy

30,000 Future Jobs at Risk

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 23, 2015

Middle class job opportunities are at risk. We all know that strong middle class employment is at the heart of a healthy economy, but Gov. Wolf’s massive tax increases would…


Read More: 30,000 Future Jobs at Risk