
The Monster at the end of this Blog Post

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 13, 2015

One of my favorite children’s books is titled “The Monster at the end of this Book.” In it, Grover (of Sesame Street fame) pleads with the reader not…


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Government Accountability

Audio: Bills Shine Light On Union Contract Negotiations

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • May 13, 2015

Public sector union contracts are a huge cost for the state government, and they have also become a conflict of interest for Gov. Wolf. He will be negotiating contract deals with…


Read More: Audio: Bills Shine Light On Union Contract Negotiations


House Expands Indispensable Scholarship Programs

  • James Paul
  • May 12, 2015

In a sweeping, bipartisan vote, members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved a substantial increase to the state’s cherished scholarship programs—the Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC)…


Read More: House Expands Indispensable Scholarship Programs


It’s Not Enough Just to Say No…

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 11, 2015

“It’s not good enough to just say no and continue with the same old same old.” So said Gov. Tom Wolf during his budget address, making clear his administration is…


Read More: It’s Not Enough Just to Say No…

Health Care

State Health Care Exchange: A Dangerous Contingency Plan

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 8, 2015

A week ago Governor Wolf announced his plan to create a state-based health care exchange if the U.S. Supreme Court nixes taxpayer subsidies to insurance companies through the federal…


Read More: State Health Care Exchange: A Dangerous Contingency Plan

Criminal Justice Reform

The Jury is In: Corrections Reform is Working

  • May 8, 2015

Remember the time lawmakers from both parties came together in Harrisburg and unanimously passed important, groundbreaking reform legislation? It’s not a joke. It happened in 2012. As a result of…


Read More: The Jury is In: Corrections Reform is Working

State Budget

Audio: The Need for the Taxpayer Protection Act

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • May 7, 2015

The Taxpayer Protection Act is a simple idea that achieves four goals: limiting the future growth of state government spending, forcing the state government to prioritize future spending, helping to balance…


Read More: Audio: The Need for the Taxpayer Protection Act

Government Accountability

A Transparent Win for Taxpayers

  • May 6, 2015

Today the Senate took a significant step to make state government more transparent and accountable by approving SB 644 and SB 645. Here’s a brief description of the…


Read More: A Transparent Win for Taxpayers

State Budget

Natural Gas Severance Tax: An Economy Killer

  • Gordon Tomb
  • May 6, 2015

From labor unions to local chambers of commerce, community leaders are expressing a lot of anxiety over Governor Wolf’s natural gas severance tax proposal. The proposed tax “is a Wyoming…


Read More: Natural Gas Severance Tax: An Economy Killer