Public Union Democracy

Mary’s Law is Introduced

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 28, 2015

Paycheck protection legislation, known as “Mary’s Law,” was officially introduced in the state House of Representatives as HB 238. With the backing of 39 co-sponsors, Mary’s Law seeks to…


Read More: Mary’s Law is Introduced


The State of School Choice in Pennsylvania

  • James Paul
  • January 27, 2015

In many respects, Pennsylvania is a pioneer of school choice. With 173 charter schools—14 of which are cyber charters—and two scholarship tax credit programs, the commonwealth is the envy of…


Read More: The State of School Choice in Pennsylvania


Podcast: A Local-Only Teachers Union?

  • January 27, 2015

Michigan teacher Jim Perialas has an unusual story. In 2012 his school, Roscommon Area School District, became the first in decades to decertify (or leave) the state-wide Michigan Education Association…


Read More: Podcast: A Local-Only Teachers Union?

A Local-Only Union: A Teacher Tells How to Leave the NEA

  • January 27, 2015

This post first appeared on the Commonwealth Foundation’s PolicyBlog. Michigan teacher Jim Perialas has an unusual story. In 2012 his school, Roscommon Area School District, became the first in…


Read More: A Local-Only Union: A Teacher Tells How to Leave the NEA

Government Accountability

Will Gov. Wolf Stay True to “Openness” in Government?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 26, 2015

Gov. Tom Wolf’s first week in office included several moves to paint a picture of ethics and transparency in state government. First Wolf issued executive orders banning executive staff from…


Read More: Will Gov. Wolf Stay True to “Openness” in Government?


PLCB Limitations Shackle Entrepreneurs

  • January 26, 2015

“I’ve got products in the pipeline that I can’t sell, because they didn’t get approved,” said Mike Gonze, president of Dreadnought Wines in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article that perfectly…


Read More: PLCB Limitations Shackle Entrepreneurs

Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Reform Proves a Win-Win

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 23, 2015

Unprecedented reductions in the prison population, $69.9 million in taxpayer savings, and lower recidivism rates all indicate that the 2012 corrections reforms are working. Earlier this month Don Gilliland over…


Read More: Corrections Reform Proves a Win-Win


Five Ways Dollars Are Kept Out of Philadelphia Classrooms

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • January 22, 2015

The school district of Philadelphia saw a $1 billion increase in revenue over the past decade, even as enrollment declined. Yet many claim there isn’t enough funding for basic…


Read More: Five Ways Dollars Are Kept Out of Philadelphia Classrooms

Audio: School Choice Offers New Direction to Academic Excellence

  • Jonathan Reginella
  • January 21, 2015

Pennsylvania’s students deserve the best education opportunities available, and the recent academic performance of York City School District—the second lowest district in the state—makes clear that we can do better…


Read More: Audio: School Choice Offers New Direction to Academic Excellence