Health Care

Bracing for Obamacare Rate Hikes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • November 12, 2014

Only three days until the Obamacare exchanges open for 2015 enrollment. Last Sunday, the federal government released preliminary rates for window shopping. We compared the cheapest insurance plans in…


Read More: Bracing for Obamacare Rate Hikes


A Shoddy Attack on Charters

  • James Paul
  • November 11, 2014

My letter to the editor of the Philadelphia Daily News takes issue with the paper’s recent characterization of charter schools as “fiscal monsters.”  The Daily News editorial…


Read More: A Shoddy Attack on Charters

Government Accountability

Audio: Election Lessons

  • November 6, 2014

This week a “Republican wave” swept the country and propelled many fiscally conservative governors to reelection. And in Pennsylvania, candidates that ran on pension reform, liquor privatization, choice in education,…


Read More: Audio: Election Lessons

Public Union Democracy

Missing the Wave

  • November 5, 2014

Last night, candidates embracing free-market policies not only won legislative seats across Pennsylvania and our country, but in states like Wisconsin, Michigan—and even Illinois—gubernatorial candidates who made the case for…


Read More: Missing the Wave


Step Forward for School Choice

  • James Paul
  • November 4, 2014

Geronda Montalvo did not want to send her daughter Zayda to the low-achieving schools in her neighborhood. Thanks to an Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) scholarship, Zayda is thriving at…


Read More: Step Forward for School Choice

The American Dream: Our Stories

  • November 4, 2014

Commonwealth Foundation’s Priya Abraham, Tom Bako, and Abhi Samuel share their personal stories of choosing to be Americans and their work today to defend the American Dream for their fellow…


Read More: The American Dream: Our Stories

Taxes & Economy

Video: Minimum Wage Limits Opportunity

  • October 31, 2014

Giving workers a boost in their hourly wages sounds like a good thing, doesn’t it? But, like most government-imposed market restrictions, it has some pretty negative consequences—like higher prices for…


Read More: Video: Minimum Wage Limits Opportunity

Taxes & Economy

Taxes Hinder Pennsylvania’s Progress

  • October 31, 2014

It may be boring and complicated, but a state’s tax code has a real impact on individuals and families who want to improve their quality of life. For instance, if…


Read More: Taxes Hinder Pennsylvania’s Progress

Health Care

ACA Delivers Low-Quality, High Cost Care

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • October 30, 2014

The federal government’s health care overhaul is quickly becoming “Medicaid for all.” The more we learn about the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) newly insured population, the clearer it becomes that…


Read More: ACA Delivers Low-Quality, High Cost Care