State Budget

Audio: Taxpayer Protection Act Responsibly Limits Spending

  • September 22, 2014

Last week, legislation moved out of the Senate Finance Committee that would set guardrails on state government spending, establish a “Rainy Day Fund,” and, potentially, even send rebate checks back…


Read More: Audio: Taxpayer Protection Act Responsibly Limits Spending


Teachers Sue PSEA in Landmark Case

  • Priya Brannick
  • September 19, 2014

Jane Ladley was a special education teacher in Chester County for more than 25 years until she retired this year. She may have left teaching, but she has a bone…


Read More: Teachers Sue PSEA in Landmark Case

Taxes & Economy

Safety Net Should be Reformed, not Renamed

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • September 18, 2014

Good news: Pennsylvania will no longer spend 40 percent of the general fund budget on public welfare. Instead, we’ll spend it on “human services.” Yesterday, the general assembly approved HB…


Read More: Safety Net Should be Reformed, not Renamed

State Budget

Treasurer Finally Accepts that Fiscal Restraint is Needed

  • Nathan Benefield
  • September 16, 2014

We at the Commonwealth Foundation are pleased to welcome State Treasurer Rob McCord to the fight for fiscal restraint. McCord, along with Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, held a press conference…


Read More: Treasurer Finally Accepts that Fiscal Restraint is Needed

Public Union Democracy

Employees Lose Under PA’s Public Pension Systems

  • Gordon Tomb
  • September 16, 2014

Most workers are shortchanged by Pennsylvania’s public employee pension programs, according to two recent studies. The Urban Institute gives Pennsylvania’s State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) an “F”…


Read More: Employees Lose Under PA’s Public Pension Systems

Public Union Democracy

Is This What Democracy Looks Like?

  • September 15, 2014

An astounding 93 percent of union members had no role in choosing the union currently representing them, according to a new report authored by Dr. Daniel DiSalvo of the…


Read More: Is This What Democracy Looks Like?


Rendell’s Legacy Handcuffs Schools

  • James Paul
  • September 12, 2014

Former Governor Ed Rendell wrote to the Philadelphia Inquirer and took issue with our policy points on Philadelphia school trends. The Inquirer…


Read More: Rendell’s Legacy Handcuffs Schools


Audio: Is Selling Liquor a Core Function of Government?

  • September 12, 2014

Is it government’s job to monopolize a service that private enterprise can easily provide? Matt Brouillette says no—and Pennsylvania’s state-run liquor monopoly is a prime example of why government should…


Read More: Audio: Is Selling Liquor a Core Function of Government?


Union Executives “Neutral” on Protecting Children

  • James Paul
  • September 5, 2014

Legislation to protect children from predators in the classroom has stalled in Harrisburg. Union executives are standing in the way. Currently, teachers who sexually abuse or have…


Read More: Union Executives “Neutral” on Protecting Children