Government Accountability

Agreed: Public Resources Should not be used for Politics

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 6, 2014

“Public resources are not supposed to be used for partisan political purposes.” So says Barry Kauffman of Common Cause PA in a Tribune Review article. What Mr. Kauffman…


Read More: Agreed: Public Resources Should not be used for Politics


Seniority Reform is Pro-Child, not Anti-Teacher

  • James Paul
  • August 6, 2014

It seems clear that there is widespread agreement—across party lines and ideological barriers—that we must address school seniority rules and tenure reform. Check out this stunning video from MSNBC’s Morning…


Read More: Seniority Reform is Pro-Child, not Anti-Teacher


Protecting Children Should Trump Politics

  • James Paul
  • August 5, 2014

A harrowing study shows that sexual misconduct by teachers is becoming more prevalent in the commonwealth. Since January, there have been 24 reported cases of sexual abuse by Pennsylvania teachers.


Read More: Protecting Children Should Trump Politics


Audio: Will a Cigarette Tax Really Save Philly Schools?

  • August 5, 2014

Yesterday, radio talk show host Dom Giordano talked to CF’s Nathan Benefield about the proposed cigarette tax to fund Philadelphia schools. Dom asked why we care so much about whether…


Read More: Audio: Will a Cigarette Tax Really Save Philly Schools?


A Note on Philadelphia School Spending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 4, 2014

Last week, we released a summary of spending, enrollment and staffing trends in the Philadelphia School District over the past decade. After this release,…


Read More: A Note on Philadelphia School Spending


Teacher Evaluation System to Continue in Pittsburgh

  • James Paul
  • July 30, 2014

Good news from the Pittsburgh School District, where the Pennsylvania Department of Education granted three year approval of Pittsburgh’s new teacher evaluation system. This despite the Pittsburgh Federation…


Read More: Teacher Evaluation System to Continue in Pittsburgh


PSEA Spokesman Wins the Pinocchio Award

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 29, 2014

Readers of PolicyBlog already know that Pennsylvania education spending is at a record high, that state funding to school districts for…


Read More: PSEA Spokesman Wins the Pinocchio Award

Worker Choice Leads to Prosperity

  • July 29, 2014

Worker freedom leads to higher incomes. This according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), which recently published a paper on the effects of right to work (RTW) laws in…


Read More: Worker Choice Leads to Prosperity