Podcast: PA Teachers Talk Pension Reform

  • July 29, 2014

Often lost in the public pension reform debate raging across the state are the viewpoints of public school teachers themselves. That’s why our Senior Policy Analyst Priya Abraham recently interviewed…


Read More: Podcast: PA Teachers Talk Pension Reform


Study: Charter Schools More Efficient

  • James Paul
  • July 28, 2014

It is impossible to do more with less, they say; you cannot expect schools to achieve better results without increasing spending. Yet an essential new report from the University…


Read More: Study: Charter Schools More Efficient


Survey: Pennsylvania Unfriendly to Small Business

  • James Paul
  • July 25, 2014

You’re probably aware that Pennsylvania’s tax burden is among the most oppressive in the country. But the tax code is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes…


Read More: Survey: Pennsylvania Unfriendly to Small Business

Health Care

Audio: The Beginning of the End for Obamacare?

  • July 24, 2014

This week, a federal court ruling shook the foundations of Obamacare by prohibiting tax credits and subsidies for health insurance policies purchased on the federal exchange. As Elizabeth Stelle…


Read More: Audio: The Beginning of the End for Obamacare?

Public Union Democracy

Union Dues Fund SuperPAC Spending Binge

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 23, 2014

A new $2 million political TV ad campaign represents the first foray of “SuperPAC” spending into Pennsylvania. And taxpayers are forced to pay for this political spending. As…


Read More: Union Dues Fund SuperPAC Spending Binge

State Budget

House Majority Leader Moves to Reduce Debt Burden

  • July 23, 2014

On the heels of Pennsylvania’s bond rating downgrade, House Majority Leader Mike Turzai has declared his intention to ease Pennsylvanians’ debt burden. This represents a necessary step towards restoring Pennsylvania’s…


Read More: House Majority Leader Moves to Reduce Debt Burden

Health Care

Court Ruling Guts Obamacare Subsidies in PA

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 22, 2014

Back in 2012, many laughed at the idea of challenging Obamacare’s individual and employer mandates by arguing that the law as written allows subsidies for insurance in state exchanges only.


Read More: Court Ruling Guts Obamacare Subsidies in PA


Downgrade Detrimental to Taxpayers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 22, 2014

For the third time in two years, a major bond rating agency gave Pennsylvania a downgrade. The most recent downgrade, courtesy of Moody’s, has real implications for taxpayers. Moody’s…


Read More: Downgrade Detrimental to Taxpayers

Public Union Democracy

Sherlock Investigates: Politics on the Public Dime

  • July 18, 2014

On Tuesday, former House Speakers Bill DeWeese and John Perzel were issued public demerits in the form of gold plaques hung beneath their Capitol portraits. That same day, a…


Read More: Sherlock Investigates: Politics on the Public Dime