
Philadelphia Charter Schools Fight for Students

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 23, 2014

In the search for a solution to its nearly $30 million year-end deficit—not to mention a projected $216 million budget gap next year—the School District of Philadelphia is once…


Read More: Philadelphia Charter Schools Fight for Students


PA Teacher Speaks Out on Union Issues

  • May 16, 2014

Last Wednesday, CF President Matt Brouillette guest hosted WHP580’s Ken Matthews Show in Harrisburg. Matt spent some time talking to Keith Williams, a high school English teacher from New Oxford…


Read More: PA Teacher Speaks Out on Union Issues

State Budget

Simple Solutions for Significant State Savings

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 15, 2014

Pennsylvania is plagued with budget challenges, but these challenges don’t have to defeat us. We have solutions aimed at improving PA’s fiscal health while growing its economy.  In previous…


Read More: Simple Solutions for Significant State Savings

Public Union Democracy

Government Union CEOs Make Their Own Rules

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 15, 2014

When questioned about why he failed to register as a lobbyist, UFCW president Wendell Young IV excused himself with a special exemption from the law that doesn’t exist. He told…


Read More: Government Union CEOs Make Their Own Rules


PA Tops in Corporate Welfare

  • May 14, 2014

Pennsylvania’s system of economic development subsidies costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars annually, yet this spending does little to promote overall job growth. Given the state’s fiscal hurdles,…


Read More: PA Tops in Corporate Welfare

Public Union Democracy

Gov. Unions Play Fast & Loose with the Law

  • May 13, 2014

They’re exempt from stalking and harassment laws during labor disputes, and they’re allowed to use taxpayer resources to collect money for candidates and political ads on a daily…


Read More: Gov. Unions Play Fast & Loose with the Law


Ignoring Pension Costs Won’t Work

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 13, 2014

We’ve mentioned before the big lie of “$1 billion cut from education.”  Part of the reason that lie continues is that union executives ignore a big chunk of education…


Read More: Ignoring Pension Costs Won’t Work

Public Union Democracy

Top 5 Reasons We Need a Paycheck Protection Law

  • Nathan Benefield
  • May 12, 2014

Occasionally I get asked why we need a state law preventing taxpayer resources from being used to collect union political money (“paycheck protection“), when local government can choose to…


Read More: Top 5 Reasons We Need a Paycheck Protection Law

Health Care

A Blueprint for a Prosperous Pennsylvania: Welfare Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 9, 2014

Pennsylvania is facing an estimated $1.2 billion deficit next fiscal year. To bring the budget into balance without tax increases or borrowing, spending reforms must be implemented. In our…


Read More: A Blueprint for a Prosperous Pennsylvania: Welfare Reform