Share Your Obamacare Story

  • April 28, 2014

Hi, my name is Priya. I battle fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition. Only one drug dulls my pain, but without insurance, it costs $400 every month. I thought Obamacare…


Read More: Share Your Obamacare Story

Public Union Democracy

What’s Paycheck Protection Really All About?

  • April 28, 2014

A lot of ink has been spilled on paycheck protection already, but few people have summarized its essence as well as my colleague Katrina Anderson, CF’s Director of Government Affairs,…


Read More: What’s Paycheck Protection Really All About?

State Budget

S&P Worried About Pennsylvania’s Overspending

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 25, 2014

Standard & Poor’s is sounding the alarm, once again, on Pennsylvania’s record of overspending. A new S&P report singles out the commonwealth for not putting our fiscal house in order,…


Read More: S&P Worried About Pennsylvania’s Overspending

Government Accountability

Happy Tax Freedom Day, Pennsylvania!

  • Bruce Cornibe
  • April 21, 2014

Happy Tax Freedom Day! It took from January 1 until today for Pennsylvanians to have earned enough income to pay off their federal, state, and local taxes for the year. …


Read More: Happy Tax Freedom Day, Pennsylvania!


SAT Scores Slip While Spending Soars

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 16, 2014

Pennsylvania education spending is at at all-time high and ranks near the top in dollars spent per student among the states. But all of that extra spending isn’t helping kids…


Read More: SAT Scores Slip While Spending Soars

Government Accountability

Government Unions’ Political Power Grows

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 11, 2014

Despite claims that union dues aren’t used for politics, the amount Pennsylvania’s five largest government unions reported spending from union dues on “political activities and lobbying” increased in…


Read More: Government Unions’ Political Power Grows

Taxes & Economy

Taxes Not Popular in Pennsylvania

  • Nathan Benefield
  • April 10, 2014

Shocker! (Not really). A new Gallup poll finds that the majority of Pennsylvanians—58 percent—think state taxes are too high. Pennsylvania’s polling falls right in line based on our tax…


Read More: Taxes Not Popular in Pennsylvania

Health Care

Washington isn’t Interested in Fixing Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • April 4, 2014

“We have been legitimately working very hard with them and frankly, I’m very disappointed with the turn in discussions in the last week,” said Governor Corbett (paywall) on the federal…


Read More: Washington isn’t Interested in Fixing Medicaid