Government Accountability

PLCB Annual Report: I Read it So You Don’t Have To!

  • November 1, 2013

This week, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board released its annual report. In case reading a 56-page government document isn’t in your weekend plans, here are my notes: Their stated…


Read More: PLCB Annual Report: I Read it So You Don’t Have To!

Health Care

“Free” Medicaid Money Equals More Debt

  • Elizabeth Stelle, Nathan Benefield
  • October 31, 2013

In trying to persuade states to expand Medicaid, Obamacare advocates are using enough scare tactics to fill a haunted house. From threatening to discontinue Gross Receipt taxes to…


Read More: “Free” Medicaid Money Equals More Debt

NEA Funding of Radical Groups Prompted my Resignation

  • October 31, 2013

I left my teachers union because I was against the forced funding of political groups that go against my personal beliefs. The NEA/PSEA’s agendas and political ideals are counter to…


Read More: NEA Funding of Radical Groups Prompted my Resignation


The Lost Year: How Seniority Harms Teachers and Kids

  • Priya Brannick
  • October 29, 2013

Rep. Vanessa Brown (D-Phila.) knows what it’s like to lose a good school teacher. For her son, it was nearly a matter of life and death. For years, Brown has…


Read More: The Lost Year: How Seniority Harms Teachers and Kids


Liquor Privatization Saves Lives? Part II

  • October 28, 2013

Public safety improved in Washington state after liquor store privatization, we told you back in July. As further data comes in, the results continue to impress: Most state alcohol-related…


Read More: Liquor Privatization Saves Lives? Part II


Cyber School Centers Embrace Community Values

  • Jessica Barnett
  • October 24, 2013

Cyber schools have been falsely maligned as impersonal and anti-social environments for learning, but the truth is far different. Case in point: Achievement House Cyber Charter School is bringing blended…


Read More: Cyber School Centers Embrace Community Values

Teachers on Union Exploitation, Podcast Part 1

  • October 24, 2013

Julie Raab and Keith Williams are speaking out about how union influence affects their teaching jobs.    Keith teaches high school English in Conewago Valley School District in Adams…


Read More: Teachers on Union Exploitation, Podcast Part 1

Health Care

I Can’t Keep My Health Care Plan

  • October 23, 2013

“If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” That was President Obama’s promise to Americans. He broke it. I buy my own health insurance—I…


Read More: I Can’t Keep My Health Care Plan