State Budget

Corbett’s Medicaid Decision Could Save Jobs

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 11, 2013

The Affordable Care Act—often dubbed Obamacare—included 20 new taxes or tax increases. As these taxes are beginning to go into effect, businesses are starting to feel the impact, and…


Read More: Corbett’s Medicaid Decision Could Save Jobs

Taxes & Economy

Welfare Traps Good People in Broken System

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 6, 2013

CBS 21’s Chris Papst presents a chilling story showing how easy it is for Pennsylvania families to get trapped in the welfare system. Investigators discovered a single mother of two making $20,000 in Pennsylvania can…


Read More: Welfare Traps Good People in Broken System

Health Care

Medicaid Expansion: The Price was Wrong

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 6, 2013

Governor Corbett made the right call yesterday when he decided to recommend against expanding Medicaid in Pennsylvania. Here is my letter to the editor to the Philadelphia Inquirer explaining…


Read More: Medicaid Expansion: The Price was Wrong

State Budget

Spending Restraint Fosters Economic Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • February 5, 2013

Critics, and likely election challengers, of Gov. Tom Corbett point to the singular fact that the state’s unemployment rate is higher than the national average (though not significantly,…


Read More: Spending Restraint Fosters Economic Growth

Health Care

Lawmakers: Medicaid Expansion Not the Answer

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • February 4, 2013

Rep. Gordon Denlinger and 37 House members sent a letter to Governor Corbett, urging the governor not to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare).


Read More: Lawmakers: Medicaid Expansion Not the Answer


Liquor Liberty at Long Last?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • January 31, 2013

Yesterday, Gov. Tom Corbett unveiled his proposal for privatizing the government-run liquor stores and bringing Pennsylvania into the 21st century when it comes to the sale of alcohol. Pennsylvania…


Read More: Liquor Liberty at Long Last?


New Bills Constitute Attack on Cyber Schools

  • Priya Brannick
  • January 25, 2013

Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) and a trio of legislators today unveiled a package of bills aimed at reducing cyber school growth and limiting the popular schools’…


Read More: New Bills Constitute Attack on Cyber Schools


PLCB Declares Emergency, Reign of Error Continues

  • January 25, 2013

From the “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up File,” we bring you word the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has declared an emergency today. That’s right, I said it, an…


Read More: PLCB Declares Emergency, Reign of Error Continues