Health Care

Corbett Defends Taxpayers, Rejects State-Based Exchange

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 12, 2012

Pennsylvania today joined 21 other states in refusing to create a state-based exchange or partnership exchange, one of the tenets of the Affordable Care Act. Thanks to Governor Corbett’s…


Read More: Corbett Defends Taxpayers, Rejects State-Based Exchange


PLCB: As Modern as Rotary Phones

  • December 11, 2012

When was the last time you used a rotary phone?  It seems like a million years ago you were sticking your finger in the dial and painstakingly turning…


Read More: PLCB: As Modern as Rotary Phones

Public Union Democracy

More Wolverine Lessons

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 10, 2012

Friday, Charles commented on Michigan nearing passage of Right to Work, in line to become the 24th state where workers aren’t forced to pay fees to a union…


Read More: More Wolverine Lessons

Public Union Democracy

Distilleries Despot Delivers Tinctures Tantrum

  • December 10, 2012

Desperately seeking to hold on to a shred of credibility and hope lawmakers aren’t watching the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board majestically implode under “Vinogate,” United Food and Commercial Workers…


Read More: Distilleries Despot Delivers Tinctures Tantrum

Public Union Democracy

New York? Fuhgeddaboudit. Lansing!

  • Charles Mitchell
  • December 7, 2012

As I write this, most of Pennsylvania’s political glitterati has its mind on New York City, where the annual Pennsylvania Society gathering is underway. But my mind is on…


Read More: New York? Fuhgeddaboudit. Lansing!

What Does $200 Mean To You?

  • December 7, 2012

As educators, we’re all working through end-of-year projects and tests with our students before we break for the winter holidays. For me, December brings more than decorating, baking and precious…


Read More: What Does $200 Mean To You?

Health Care

Lawmakers Challenge Obamacare’s “Most Harmful Provisions”

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 6, 2012

On Tuesday Rep. Gordon Denlinger sent an updated version of a letter to Governor Corbett urging against the creation of a state exchange and expanding Medicaid under the Affordable…


Read More: Lawmakers Challenge Obamacare’s “Most Harmful Provisions”


Fishing in Barrel Lands Union Support

  • December 4, 2012

Unnecessary, unfair and un-American? Welcome to the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, the government liquor monopoly that union boss Wendell Young has made a lucrative career defending. As papers across the commonwealth continue…


Read More: Fishing in Barrel Lands Union Support

Health Care

But It’s Only A Few Billion More…

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 3, 2012

Medicaid spending will increase by more than one trillion dollars nationally over the next decade if all states participate in the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, according to new analysis by…


Read More: But It’s Only A Few Billion More…