Health Care

Constitutional, but Still Unaffordable, Unsustainable and Nonsensical

  • Matthew Brouillette
  • June 28, 2012

My response to today’s Supreme Court of the United States ruling on President Obama’s healthcare reform law: Just because something is ruled Constitutional doesn’t make it affordable, sustainable or…


Read More: Constitutional, but Still Unaffordable, Unsustainable and Nonsensical


Save Kids, Save Schools, Save Our Future

  • June 27, 2012

Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit program is already transforming lives and schools throughout our state.  In some of the worst neighborhoods and schools—the schools where kids are 5-times…


Read More: Save Kids, Save Schools, Save Our Future

Taxes & Economy

Welfare is Number One in New Budget

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 27, 2012

Pennsylvania taxpayers will once again spend more on welfare than any other department in the General Fund, including education, according to newly released budget spreadsheets (based on the tentative…


Read More: Welfare is Number One in New Budget


Doubling of Education Spending a Myth?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 27, 2012

From 1996-97 to 2010-11, Pennsylvania public school spending increased 93.4 percent, according to state Department of Education data. Yet Rep. James Roebuck says this increase is a…


Read More: Doubling of Education Spending a Myth?


Would You Rather Kids Share Books, or Get Booked?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • June 26, 2012

I’m writing right now from the road, specifically from the poorest city in America:  Reading, Pennsylvania.  Reading is one of the cities mentioned in today’s CF news release pointing…


Read More: Would You Rather Kids Share Books, or Get Booked?


Kids 5 Times as Likely to Suffer Violence at Pa.’s Worst Schools

  • June 26, 2012

Pennsylvania’s worst schools don’t just compromise our children’s education and future success – they compromise our children’s safety.  Kids attending Pennsylvania’s worst academically performing public schools are more than…


Read More: Kids 5 Times as Likely to Suffer Violence at Pa.’s Worst Schools

Public Union Democracy

Unions Fight Flexible Funding

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 25, 2012

Gov. Corbett’s budget proposed combining five county human services programs into one flexible block grant. In the past, state legislation dictated how much counties could spend under each category, regardless…


Read More: Unions Fight Flexible Funding


2 Minutes Can Save Children

  • Priya Brannick
  • June 25, 2012

Meet Willie and Penny, two typical school students in Pennsylvania. Willie is a student from Philadelphia who attends one of the state’s worst violent, failing schools, where students are…


Read More: 2 Minutes Can Save Children

Criminal Justice Reform

Corrections Reform: Don’t Fire Arrows Without Arrowheads

  • June 22, 2012

The Justice Reinvestment Initiative, commissioned by Gov. Tom Corbett and led by national corrections reform experts, generated broad bipartisan support for a reform package that will: Make the…


Read More: Corrections Reform: Don’t Fire Arrows Without Arrowheads