Health Care

Not Why I’m Here

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 30, 2012

“Why am I here?”  That’s an excellent question to ask yourself if you work in Harrisburg.  This week, as I read a piece by Karen Langley in the Pittsburgh…


Read More: Not Why I’m Here

Unions Nailed on Prevailing Wage

  • March 30, 2012

To hear the union boss of the Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council tell it from his cushy offsite confines, prevailing wage is all about helping local communities…


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State Budget

Do Government Programs Grow the Economy?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 29, 2012

While decades of increased government spending have resulted in economic stagnation, many advocates of increasing government spending claim that their favored program will “grow the economy.” They argue that…


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School Choice in Milwaukee Increases Graduation Rates

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 27, 2012

The latest analysis of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program finds that students receiving scholarships to attend the school of their choice are more likely to graduate from high…


Read More: School Choice in Milwaukee Increases Graduation Rates

Taxes & Economy

Chart of the Day: Welfare Overlap

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 26, 2012

The Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare (DPW) encompasses much more than Food Stamps and Medicaid. There are numerous federally-funded and state-only aid programs. In fact, most of the 2.7 million…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Welfare Overlap

Health Care

PPACA Will Put a Quarter of Pennsylvanians on Medicaid

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2012

There is no shortage of media coverage marking PPACA’s two year anniversary, but one statistic from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare did grab my attention: Instead of…


Read More: PPACA Will Put a Quarter of Pennsylvanians on Medicaid

Taxes & Economy

Energy Essential to Economic Growth

  • March 23, 2012

The World Economic Forum has a released an updated study on energy and economic growth in the US and guess what sector plays a huge role? That’s…


Read More: Energy Essential to Economic Growth

Criminal Justice Reform

Does School Choice Reduce Crime?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 22, 2012

Yesterday, Charles noted a key Wall Street Journal piece on a Council of Foreign Relations report. That report concluded that educational failure is dangerous for our national security and…


Read More: Does School Choice Reduce Crime?