Criminal Justice Reform

Saving Rather than Spending in Corrections

  • March 14, 2012

Last week, PCN’s Call In Program featured a great discussion with PA Corrections Sec. John Wetzel. The Secretary is committed to both saving money and improving safety by making sure…


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House Passes Corporate Welfare Reform

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 14, 2012

This week the Pennsylvania House passed RACP (pronounced RCAP) reform by a wide margin of 184 to 9. RACP – the Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program – is a political…


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Taxes & Economy

Fighting Fiction with Fracking Facts

  • March 13, 2012

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking to Tea Party Patriots of Central Pa on environmental aspects of natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania and new Marcellus Shale regulations and…


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Government Accountability

National Popular Vote: Radical Shift in Elections

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 13, 2012

Yesterday, the House Republic Policy Committee held a hearing on National Popular Vote (NPV). If passed, Pennsylvania would join a compact of states agreeing to award their electoral votes…


Read More: National Popular Vote: Radical Shift in Elections


Does School Choice Harm Public Schools?

  • March 12, 2012

This is a common question among school choice skeptics about whether school choice drains funding from public schools. According to new research by The Friedman Foundation for Educational…


Read More: Does School Choice Harm Public Schools?

Criminal Justice Reform

Chart of the Day: Corrections Spending

  • March 12, 2012

Today’s chart highlights the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections’ skyrocketing spending since 1980. This unsustainable growth is part of the four-alarm fire that threatens Pennsylvania’s fiscal house. For more…


Read More: Chart of the Day: Corrections Spending

War on Welfare Fraud Raging

  • March 12, 2012

Look out welfare swindlers, there’s a new sheriff in town and he aims to take you off the street and protect taxpayer money.  And that’s not just tough talk; he’s…


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PLCB Smells Like Teen Spirit

  • March 9, 2012

Smell that, PLCB?  No, it’s not what the Rock’s been cookin’ or teen spirit, it’s the sweet smell of freedom wafting from places like Seattle today where Washington state begins the…


Read More: PLCB Smells Like Teen Spirit


Does Underfunding Pensions “Help the Kids”?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 9, 2012

A letter I recently submitted to the Allentown Morning Call on state education subsidies and pension funding: The Morning Call’s article on state subsidies to school districts has…


Read More: Does Underfunding Pensions “Help the Kids”?