
Are Pennsylvania Leaders Out of Touch?

  • Marc LeBlond
  • May 17, 2019

When asked whether Philadelphia needs “more, fewer, or the same number of charter schools,” Mayor Jim Kenney responded, “Fewer.” It’s a baffling answer, considering his city’s educational landscape. Just…


Read More: Are Pennsylvania Leaders Out of Touch?

Criminal Justice Reform

Should Pa. Wreck Lives Over a Technicality?

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 16, 2019

Pennsylvania’s correctional system has a “revolving door” problem. Over 63 percent of the correctional population will return to prison within three years. To change Pennsylvania’s reputation as “imprisonment king”…


Read More: Should Pa. Wreck Lives Over a Technicality?


Guest Post: Educational Freedom in Harrisburg

  • May 15, 2019

Rian Slade-Bowers' testimonial was first published by American Federation for Children. I attended private schools all my life and it has benefited me immensely. I was educated in a diverse environment…


Read More: Guest Post: Educational Freedom in Harrisburg

Public Union Democracy

Pa. Attorney General Agrees: Workers Should Know Their Rights

  • Jessica Barnett, Nathan Benefield
  • May 14, 2019

Attorney General Josh Shapiro recently demonstrated why Pennsylvania government workers need the Employee Rights Notification Act (House Bill 785 and Senate Bill 371). In a tweet, Shapiro…


Read More: Pa. Attorney General Agrees: Workers Should Know Their Rights


How to End Waiting Lists for Opportunity

  • May 9, 2019

Did 20 years of government initiatives improve public schools? A recent American Enterprise Institute report finds all the money poured into efforts like No Child Left Behind and Race to…


Read More: How to End Waiting Lists for Opportunity

5 Reasons to Expand EITC and OSTC

  • Colleen Hroncich
  • May 7, 2019

House lawmakers just voted for an urgently needed expansion of the Educational Improvement Tax Credit. Here are five reasons state senators should support raising the limits on this important program as…


Read More: 5 Reasons to Expand EITC and OSTC

State Budget

Failure to Save Now Means Tax Hikes Later

  • Tirzah Duren
  • May 7, 2019

Anyone who’s had to pinch a few pennies knows this to be true: Failure to save in good years means you’re not prepared for the bad ones. This is a…


Read More: Failure to Save Now Means Tax Hikes Later

Government Accountability

Union Medicaid Dues Skimming Scheme Finally Ends

  • Jessica Barnett
  • May 3, 2019

Six years ago, Pam Harris fought in court to keep her disabled son at home. A portion of her limited caregiver stipend was being funneled to union she never…


Read More: Union Medicaid Dues Skimming Scheme Finally Ends

Criminal Justice Reform

Four Ways Lawmakers Are Setting Up Pa. For Success

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • May 3, 2019

Freedom and opportunity are on the move in the Keystone State. In the past week, lawmakers have taken four serious strides for the families and business owners of Pennsylvania. We’re…


Read More: Four Ways Lawmakers Are Setting Up Pa. For Success