Know Choice, Know Freedom, No Choice, No Freedom

  • December 14, 2011

Parents with kids trapped in failing and violent schools are pleading with PA House members today to throw them an educational lifeline before it is too late for their…


Read More: Know Choice, Know Freedom, No Choice, No Freedom


Pennsylvania Pols Pass Potent Potables Perestroika

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 13, 2011

Today, the Pennsylvania House amended HB 11 and then sent it on to the full house for consideration. The first amendment guts any privatization of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control…


Read More: Pennsylvania Pols Pass Potent Potables Perestroika


WTF! Why the Failure?

  • December 13, 2011

In a move requiring mental gymnastics that would make even Nadia Comaneci pack it in, some Pennsylvania House members are praising an “historic” liquor privatization bill that cleared…


Read More: WTF! Why the Failure?

Taxes & Economy

New Study Show Impact of Shale Gas

  • December 12, 2011

Hot on the heels of UGI Utilities’ 13 percent reduction in gas rates, comes a comprehensive study examining the impact of shale gas on the economy nationwide. The report…


Read More: New Study Show Impact of Shale Gas

Health Care

How Much Will Obamacare Cost You?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 9, 2011

The federal health care overhaul will be paid for with spending cuts and an estimated $420 billion in new taxes. How much of that $420 billion will come out of your pocket?…


Read More: How Much Will Obamacare Cost You?


Patriot News (Mostly) Endorses School Choice

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 9, 2011

This week, the Patriot News editorial board wrote an endorsement of a school voucher proposal in Pennsylvania. Here is the key pro argument: The case for vouchers is…


Read More: Patriot News (Mostly) Endorses School Choice


A Word on Hellholes

  • Charles Mitchell
  • December 8, 2011

As I got in the car yesterday to begin a very long drive home from Pike County, I learned of a letter Sen. Vincent Hughes had sent requesting that I…


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PLCB Rape Ad Illustrates Conflict of Interest

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 8, 2011

Like a pyromaniac preaching fire prevention, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board is at war with itself in a costly conflict of interest that sees the agency wasting tax dollars.   On…


Read More: PLCB Rape Ad Illustrates Conflict of Interest