
School Choice: Accountable and Successful

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 21, 2011

Here is a recent letter I submitted to the Delaware County Times: A recent story carries the title, “Educators oppose guv’s voucher plan,” though the story quotes no…


Read More: School Choice: Accountable and Successful

Taxes & Economy

Blame Game No Jobs Gain

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 20, 2011

Pennsylvania House Democrats put out an email blaming Gov. Corbett and Republicans for a lousy economy: Since Republicans passed the Corbett budget in June, unemployment in Pennsylvania has risen more…


Read More: Blame Game No Jobs Gain


Knowles’ Bill Puts Taxpayers Above Special Interests

  • October 20, 2011

Liquor store union president Wendell Young appears to be on a campaign to discredit any lawmaker that favors removing the state’s monopoly stranglehold over liquor sales. You can…


Read More: Knowles’ Bill Puts Taxpayers Above Special Interests

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Natural Gas Jobs Doubled in Last Three Years

  • October 20, 2011

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry released their latest Marcellus Shale Fast Facts, illustrating the important economic stimulus that drilling represents to the commonwealth. Key Findings Include: Marcellus…


Read More: Pennsylvania Natural Gas Jobs Doubled in Last Three Years


School Choice Saves Kids, Taxpayers $4 Billion

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 19, 2011

Critics of expanding school choice in Pennsylvania often claim it will “cost too much” or drain precious resources. But in fact, school choice already saves Pennsylvania taxpayers more than $4…


Read More: School Choice Saves Kids, Taxpayers $4 Billion


Is Liquor Liberty Dangerous?

  • October 19, 2011

The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board operates with a clear conflict of interest. It is charged with both enforcement and managing sales. It spends millions to advertise alcohol products.


Read More: Is Liquor Liberty Dangerous?


Truth About Failing Schools is Scary

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 18, 2011

Today, the Commonwealth Foundation released an analysis updating violence statistics from failing public schools. These 141 schools with data available all rank in the bottom-5 percent based on…


Read More: Truth About Failing Schools is Scary

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania’s Inheritance Tax

  • Nathan Benefield
  • October 17, 2011

The Pennsylvania House Finance Committee held a hearing today on a number of proposals to eliminate, reduce, or change the state inheritance tax. The Pennsylvania inheritance tax applies to all…


Read More: Pennsylvania’s Inheritance Tax

Day 28,439: Why are We Living Like This?

  • October 12, 2011

Weclome to Day 28,439 of Prohibition II.  That’s right; 28,439 days have passed since the PLCB was created in 1933 to make alcohol as “inconvenient and expensive as possible.”    In that…


Read More: Day 28,439: Why are We Living Like This?