
Chairman Wow Commends Kiosk Catastrophe

  • June 27, 2011

MOSCOW HARRISBURG – From the “They Just Don’t Get It” file comes confirmation from the commissar himself that Orwellian doublespeak is alive and well in Pennsylvania government. In…


Read More: Chairman Wow Commends Kiosk Catastrophe


Do Seven Rapes Get Your Attention?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 27, 2011

Today, CF delivered Life Savers to state legislators to remind them they still have three days to be a life-saver for kids in failing and violent schools.  One…


Read More: Do Seven Rapes Get Your Attention?


Tightening the Belt on Higher Education

  • June 27, 2011

Tuition rates continue to skyrocket year after year, but the cost of providing a college education hasn’t increased much over the past 50 years. In a recent Cato study,…


Read More: Tightening the Belt on Higher Education


Saving Harrisburg?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 27, 2011

In their efforts to “save Harrisburg” through a state takeover should the city fail to adopt Act 47 recommendations, lawmakers have overlooked one extremly effective option: school choice. Despite state…


Read More: Saving Harrisburg?

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvania Job Growth Continues to Drag

  • June 24, 2011

Today, President Obama will visit Carnegie Mellon University to talk about technology and manufacturing jobs. A important topic, considering Pennsylvania continues to fall behind other states when it comes…


Read More: Pennsylvania Job Growth Continues to Drag


Can Students Wait One More Year for School Choice?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 23, 2011

In 76 days, more than 106,000 kids will return to failing and violent schools, unless the legislature takes action this week. Parents like Joy and Lorenzo are…


Read More: Can Students Wait One More Year for School Choice?


Growing Greener is Corporate Welfare

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2011

The Patriot News editorial board has yet another editorial arguing for a new tax on natural gas, on top of the taxes they already pay. While the board’s passion…


Read More: Growing Greener is Corporate Welfare

Taxes & Economy

Nine of 11 Fastest Growing Jobs Drilling Related

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 22, 2011

Nationwide workforce data shows oil and gas extraction jobs growing at rates far above any other sector of the American economy. According to EMSI’s latest quarterly employment data,…


Read More: Nine of 11 Fastest Growing Jobs Drilling Related


Philadelphia Public Schools Among Worst in Nation

  • June 22, 2011

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, which compares educational performance across all 50 states and major cities, Philadelphia public schools compare poorly, even to other large urban…


Read More: Philadelphia Public Schools Among Worst in Nation