
Education Spending and Results

  • March 23, 2011

As education spending and school choice, via Senate Bill 1, continues to be debated in Pennsylvania, state lawmakers should consider the recent testiomy of Andrew Coulson of the…


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Should Penn State Close Some Branch Campuses?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • March 23, 2011

Among the dire predictions made by Penn State President Graham Spanier in response to Gov. Tom Corbett’s proposed budget cuts is that the university will have to close branch campuses.


Read More: Should Penn State Close Some Branch Campuses?

Health Care

Still Learning “What’s in the Bill”

  • Nathan Benefield
  • March 22, 2011

My brother sent me the following text message while at his local pharmacy: Just realized that OTC [over-the-counter] drugs are no longer covered by HSA thanks to Obama. I…


Read More: Still Learning “What’s in the Bill”


Parents Mustn’t Fall for Penn State Claims

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 21, 2011

In an op-ed in Sunday’s Harrisburg Patriot-News, Penn State President Graham Spanier repeated his now-familiar claims that his institution must receive more from taxpayers than the $165 million…


Read More: Parents Mustn’t Fall for Penn State Claims


Enacting Effective Merit Pay

  • March 21, 2011

Merit pay for teachers, proposed by Gov. Tom Corbett in his budget address, would tie teacher salaries to student progress, instead of increasing salaries annually regardless of performance. Only…


Read More: Enacting Effective Merit Pay


On Penn State and Lasagna

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 18, 2011

The news that Penn State’s trustees just froze new building projects brings lasagna to mind. The reason is that right after my wife and I returned from the hospital…


Read More: On Penn State and Lasagna

Taxes & Economy

Michael Mann at the Zoo

  • March 18, 2011

I’ve got a piece up today at American Spectator which reveals the latest two taxpayer-funded projects that Penn State Climategate scientist Michael Mann has added to his…


Read More: Michael Mann at the Zoo


Hope for University Administrators, or Taxpayers?

  • Charles Mitchell
  • March 18, 2011

Tracie Mauriello of the Post-Gazette has a story today with the headline “Legislators offer hope to university administrators.”  There, she quotes several state senators who say they hope to…


Read More: Hope for University Administrators, or Taxpayers?


Another Way to Handle Budget Problems

  • March 17, 2011

Following up on Charles’s post last week about Penn State’s “political stunt” over Gov. Corbett’s planned cuts to the university, it might help PSU president Graham Spanier to look…


Read More: Another Way to Handle Budget Problems