Taxes & Economy

Marcellus Shale Job Creation Continues

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 23, 2010

A recent Williamsport Sun-Gazette article gives props to the natural gas industry for being an economic boost, and keeping unemployment relatively low in Bradford County, a central hub for…


Read More: Marcellus Shale Job Creation Continues

Taxes & Economy

So Long, Specter

  • December 23, 2010

The Washington Examiner‘s Tim Carney today reviews Democrat Sen. Arlen Specter’s farewell speech to the U.S. Senate, and characterizes it as “20 minutes of self-serving gripes, empty name-calling,…


Read More: So Long, Specter

Taxes & Economy

Skewed Poll on Gas Drilling

  • December 22, 2010

A recent survey by the Civil Society Institute is so misleading that even professional skewed poll creators PennFuture and Gov. Rendell can pick up tips. The only…


Read More: Skewed Poll on Gas Drilling


Report: School Choice Could Save PA Tax Dollars

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 21, 2010

The Foundation for Educational Choice has a new analysis out, suggesting that the federal “Race to the Top” (RTTP) funding from the stimulus bill should be used to…


Read More: Report: School Choice Could Save PA Tax Dollars


Cigarette Taxes Increase Crime

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 21, 2010

Our friends at the Mackinac Center have released a study on the smuggling of cigarettes due to high cigarette taxes. While politicians often tout raising taxes as a tool to…


Read More: Cigarette Taxes Increase Crime

Health Care

Medicaid: A State Budget Buster

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 20, 2010

Medicaid is gobbling up state budgets left and right, and Pennsylvania is no exception. State Medicaid costs from 2014 through 2020 are estimated to increase by $841.2…


Read More: Medicaid: A State Budget Buster

Government Accountability

Philadelphia is Number 1 “Judical Hellhole” in US

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 20, 2010

Philadelphia has been named the number one “judicial hellhole” in a new ranking by the American Tort Reform Association. Philadelphia is a source of great concern due…


Read More: Philadelphia is Number 1 “Judical Hellhole” in US


How Many State Liquor Stores Should Pennsylvania Have?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 17, 2010

Ben Waxman of the Philadelphia Daily News raises an interesting question about liquor privatization. Noting public support for liquor privatization, he posits whether it would be better to…


Read More: How Many State Liquor Stores Should Pennsylvania Have?


School Choice Push Extends Nationwide

  • December 17, 2010

Pennsylvania Governor-elect Tom Corbett has indicated strong support support for school choice, but he won’t be alone in the fight. Joining him in this push is Governor-elect…


Read More: School Choice Push Extends Nationwide