Taxes & Economy

Facts Not Fear For Drilling Issue

  • December 10, 2010

Below is my guest opinion published in the Lebanon Daily News today, which confronts a misleading letter to the editor addressing gas drilling. After reading Joyce Kunkle’s Dec.


Read More: Facts Not Fear For Drilling Issue

Taxes & Economy

I Got Your Energy Security Right Here

  • December 9, 2010

The Toronto Globe and Mail yesterday reported how vast discoveries of new North American energy sources could “reflect the beginning of the end for U.S. dependence on Mideast…


Read More: I Got Your Energy Security Right Here

Government Accountability

More Lawyers, Fewer Doctors

  • December 9, 2010

Our friends at the Pacific Research Institute have produced a short video series on “Jackpot Justice,” explaining how the civil-justice system has failed to protect good people and…


Read More: More Lawyers, Fewer Doctors

Government Accountability

Legislators Refuse COLA Increase

  • December 8, 2010

Despite the fact that Pennsylvania faces a projected budget deficit of $5 billion, legislators in Harrisburg will receive their annual cost of living adjustment (COLA), aka pay raise. Based…


Read More: Legislators Refuse COLA Increase


What to Do About Teacher Strikes

  • December 7, 2010

Pennsylvania once again led the nation in teacher strikes. Although only 13 states permit them, Pennsylvania tops the chart again as more students are deprived of up to 180…


Read More: What to Do About Teacher Strikes

Taxes & Economy

Do you know the drill?

  • December 7, 2010

When it comes to hydraulic fracturing, Pennsylvanians are being bombarded with misleading information. Citizens informed with this inaccurate information, largely stemming from the disingenuous film Gasland, are…


Read More: Do you know the drill?


Supremes Say Grocery Store Suds Sales Sanctioned

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • December 7, 2010

The State Supreme Court has ruled uniamously that Wegmen’s and other grocery stores with restaurants are allowed to apply for retail beer licenses, which allow them to sell six…


Read More: Supremes Say Grocery Store Suds Sales Sanctioned

Taxes & Economy

Super Rendell Finds Bailout For Failing Port Authority

  • December 6, 2010

Gov. Rendell has “found” $45 million dollars of Federal Transportation Funds (for Economic Development) to bail out the failing Port Authority. Proponents claim it as a success, stating that…


Read More: Super Rendell Finds Bailout For Failing Port Authority

Government Accountability

Best Legislative Session Ever?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • December 6, 2010

Jan Murphy of the Patriot-News notes that the 2009-10 Pennsylvania Legislative Session had the fewest new laws passed in 24 years. Since most pieces of legislation are a new…


Read More: Best Legislative Session Ever?