Taxes & Economy

Coal Faces an Onslaught of New Regulations

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 31, 2010

Debate over new regulations by the EPA puts the Pennsylvania coal industry at a crossroads. Last week, experts met in Philadelphia to discuss a new ruling known as the Clean…


Read More: Coal Faces an Onslaught of New Regulations

Taxes & Economy

The Imagined Effect of the Stimulus

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 31, 2010

Louis Woodhill writes on Real Clear Markets how the CBO’s estimated impact of the stimulus is a fantasy. In fact, the CBO readily admits it is simply plugging…


Read More: The Imagined Effect of the Stimulus


Understanding PSERS’ Gains

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 30, 2010

Pennsylvania’s pension fund for school employees, PSERS, reported significant gains in the past year — a 14% return on investment. This is higher than the national average, and nearly…


Read More: Understanding PSERS’ Gains

Taxes & Economy

Pennsylvanians Have Good Reasons to Oppose Higher Fuel Taxes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 30, 2010

Grove City College economist Tracy Miller explains why Pennsylvania drivers are resistant to a higher gasoline tax. In contrast to prior periods when the tax was viewed as a…


Read More: Pennsylvanians Have Good Reasons to Oppose Higher Fuel Taxes

Taxes & Economy

Municipalities Gain Authority to Regulate Drilling

  • August 30, 2010

Previously, local municipalities could not impose restrictions on gas drilling separate from those required by the state. However, several Pennsylvania court decisions have begun to give local officials additional regulatory…


Read More: Municipalities Gain Authority to Regulate Drilling

Taxes & Economy

Had Enough Skewed Polls from Gov. Rendell Yet?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2010

Ed Rendell’s “campaign” financed a new poll which was then given to the Governor’s Office to distribute, as well as to the propaganda arm of DEP and a…


Read More: Had Enough Skewed Polls from Gov. Rendell Yet?

Health Care

Insurance Hypocrisy

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 27, 2010

I saw a commercial during an episode of Jeopardy from the Pennsylvania Insurance Fraud Prevention Authority. It warns people against trying to buy car insurance after an accident…


Read More: Insurance Hypocrisy

Pillaging and Plundering of PA Public not a Plus for Pittsburgh

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 27, 2010

The Allegheny Institute highlights another failure of corporate welfare to stimulate economic growth. Back in 1998, the politically-appointed RAD board voted to force taxpayers to contribute $809 million towards…


Read More: Pillaging and Plundering of PA Public not a Plus for Pittsburgh

Taxes & Economy

The U.S. ‘Jobs Spill’

  • August 26, 2010

Today the American Energy Alliance released a video about how tax policies on U.S. energy development drive jobs overseas. Included in the piece is…


Read More: The U.S. ‘Jobs Spill’