
Has Corporate Welfare Ever Failed?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 13, 2010

A reader asks us if we know of any examples of corporate welfare where it has failed – not just on the Macro level, giving grants to select corporations while…


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Government Accountability

Corrupt Courts Refuse Transparency

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • August 13, 2010

The Scranton Times reports that the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records (OOR) is appealing a court ruling extending an exemption to open records to the judiciary branch. (HT…


Read More: Corrupt Courts Refuse Transparency

Taxes & Economy

But I Thought All the Tax Cuts were “For the Rich” …

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2010

The Club for Growth highlights a Washington Post article on the expiration of the “Bush tax cuts” in 2011 (or, depending on your word choice, the “currently-scheduled tax…


Read More: But I Thought All the Tax Cuts were “For the Rich” …


Onorato Endorses School Choice Proposal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2010

On Tuesday, we released a commentary noting that both candidates for governor in Pennsylvania – Tom Corbett (R) and Dan Onorato (D) – were advocates…


Read More: Onorato Endorses School Choice Proposal

State Budget

Rendell and the Missing $30 Million

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 12, 2010

Yesterday, Gov. Rendell told lawmakers that after Congress passed legislation to increase federal aid to states for Medicaid (FMAP) and to school districts – and also cut funding…


Read More: Rendell and the Missing $30 Million

Government Accountability

More Taxpayer Funded Propaganda

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 11, 2010

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has an email newsletter on Marcellus Shale (see PA Indy story). I, of course, signed up to see how my tax dollars were…


Read More: More Taxpayer Funded Propaganda

Health Care

States Saying No to Individual Mandate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • August 11, 2010

Merrill Matthews has a good article up on Forbes about what states are doing to fight the individual health insurance mandate in the new law. He touches both on…


Read More: States Saying No to Individual Mandate

Blog Roundup

  • August 11, 2010

Here’s some recent link love for CF: PhillyNow criticizes Rendell’s “inability” to make budget cuts, while pointing to CF’s A Taxpayer’s Budget, which identifies $4 billion in possible…


Read More: Blog Roundup

Taxes & Economy

How Attractive is Pennsylvania Drilling?

  • August 10, 2010

Pop quiz: Drilling in Pennsylvania is as attractive as drilling in A) Arkansas B) Kansas or C) Cambodia? The correct answer is Cambodia. Currently, the Keystone State is one of…


Read More: How Attractive is Pennsylvania Drilling?