Taxes & Economy

Anti-Drilling Groups Pressure Penn State

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 16, 2010

Opponents of natural gas drilling are attacking the integrity of a Penn State study on the economic effects the Marcellus Shale development, which was funded by the industry. Complaints center…


Read More: Anti-Drilling Groups Pressure Penn State

State Budget

Are There WAMs in the PA Budget?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2010

A reader called our office today, following a conversation with his local lawmakers, who denied there were any WAMs in the budget, and claimed there had not been in many…


Read More: Are There WAMs in the PA Budget?

Taxes & Economy

EOG Resources Mans Up After Drilling Accident

  • July 15, 2010

On Tuesday, DEP released the results of an investigation into the June 3 Clearfield County gas well incident. The well, as you might recall, shot gas and flow-back water…


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Corbett, Onorato Both Wishy-Washy on UC

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2010

Tom Corbett, Pennsylvania Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate, continues to take flak for comments he made regarding the unemployed and Unemployment Compensation (UC) benefits. After Corbett made comments that…


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PA Turnpike to Hike Tolls on Cash Payers by 10%

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 15, 2010

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) announced yesterday that it would be increasing tolls by 10% on cash payers and by 3% on E-Z Pass holders, beginning in January. This…


Read More: PA Turnpike to Hike Tolls on Cash Payers by 10%

Taxes & Economy

Penn State and PennFuture: Two Peas in a Pod

  • July 14, 2010

While PennFuture’s Jan Jarrett whines about alleged Commonwealth Foundation smears of themselves and of Climategate scientist Michael Mann, The Atlantic‘s Clive Crook — a…


Read More: Penn State and PennFuture: Two Peas in a Pod

Taxes & Economy

Combined Reporting Has Consequences

  • July 14, 2010

Lancaster Online recently produced a number of articles concerning Mandatory Unitary Combined Reporting, one of many tax revenue increases offered by Governor Rendell. Combined Reporting did not make it…


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State Budget

Voters Blame Politicians’ Overspending for Budget Woes

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 14, 2010

Reason highlights a new Rasmussen Poll on state budget crises. A whopping 75% of voters blame current budget crises on politicians’ unwillingness to cut spending. Only 13% think…


Read More: Voters Blame Politicians’ Overspending for Budget Woes


Pension Reform Is Good for Teachers

  • July 13, 2010

Recently, the New York Daily News published an article by public school teacher Emmanuel George. He has taught in both traditional public schools and in a charter school.


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