
Will Increased Education Funding Solve Our Problems?

  • July 2, 2010

Recently, the Pennsylvania legislature passed a budget for FY 2011. Governor Rendell praised the budget for increasing education funding by $250 million. But is increased funding for our schools…


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Government Accountability

Will the Budget Include an Independent Fiscal Office?

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • July 1, 2010

With much to jeer in this year’s budget one silver lining is the proposed Independent Fiscal Office.  That is, if House Democrats don’t kill the proposal. Language to create…


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Penn State Clears “Award-Winning” Mann in Climategate

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 1, 2010

Unsurprisingly, Penn State’s second investigation into its own faculty member, Michael Mann, cleared him of any scientific misconduct charges today. Among the reasons for clearing Mann, the report notes:…


Read More: Penn State Clears “Award-Winning” Mann in Climategate


Another Budget Trick Revealed

  • Nathan Benefield
  • July 1, 2010

During our PA Budget Chat yesterday, we were commenting on how the the line item for School Employees’ Retirement – i.e., the state’s contribution to teacher’s pensions – was…


Read More: Another Budget Trick Revealed

Taxes & Economy

Wind Power May Kill You

  • July 1, 2010

With the recent fatalities resulting from disasters at the Deep Water Horizon drilling rig and Massey’s Upper Big Branch coal mine, many may begin to think that such…


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State Budget

PA Senate Passes State Budget

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 30, 2010

Today, the the Pennsylvania Senate passed the state budget by a vote of 37-13. The no votes were: Alloway, Argall, Earll, Eichelberger,…


Read More: PA Senate Passes State Budget

State Budget

Ten Facts about the PA Budget Deal

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 30, 2010

Legislative leaders and Gov. Rendell reached an agreement on a PA state budget deal yesterday. Here are some facts about the $28.05 billion new spending plan: Lawmakers were able…


Read More: Ten Facts about the PA Budget Deal

Public Union Democracy

When Unions get Violent

  • June 30, 2010

Last Wednesday, men clutching baseball bats attacked construction workers at the King of Prussia mall outside Philadelphia. Workers arriving to the site of the new Toys-R-Us store found their…


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Politics Making a Mess of Education

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 29, 2010

It appears Gov. Rendell has succeeded in getting an increase in education spending for the FY 2010-11 budget. Despite the fact that enrollment is down across the Commonwealth…


Read More: Politics Making a Mess of Education