
Video: Privatizing PA Liquor Stores

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2010

State Rep. Mike Turzai stops by to talk about his proposal to privatize Pennsylvania’s wine and spirit sales in a new video: Click the links in this…


Read More: Video: Privatizing PA Liquor Stores

Taxes & Economy

Government Spending and Economic Growth

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 22, 2010

The Mercatus Center has a new brief policy analysis reviewing the economic literature on the role of government spending and economic growth. Their conclusion would (but should not)…


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Taxes & Economy

Gasland Debunked

  • Elizabeth Stelle
  • June 21, 2010

Tonight, HBO premiered the documentary Gasland – a film about the impacts of natural gas drilling across the United States. Director/producer and Pennsylvania native Josh Fox has been touring the…


Read More: Gasland Debunked

Taxes & Economy

Baptists and Bootleggers

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 21, 2010

ReasonTV has a new video up on “Bootleggers and Baptists.” This is a concept that relates to virtually everything we do here at the Commonwealth Foundation. The…


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Proposal to Require Super-Majority for Property Tax Hikes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 21, 2010

Tony Phyrillas highlights legislation moving through the PA State Senate, sponsored by Sen. Rafferty, that would require super-majority of school board members to approve a property tax increase. We…


Read More: Proposal to Require Super-Majority for Property Tax Hikes

Government Accountability

Are All Lawmakers Crooks?

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 21, 2010

This past Friday, former State Rep. Mike Veon, who had served as PA House Democrat Whip, was sentenced to 6 to 14 years in prison for his role in…


Read More: Are All Lawmakers Crooks?

Taxes & Economy

New Data on Pennsylvania’s Economy Still Grim

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2010

Contrary to Gov. Rendell’s seemingly rosy interpretation of Pennsylvania latest job numbers, the BLS data hardly inspires confidence. In May (seasonally adjusted data): Pennsylvania added 19,000 payroll jobs…


Read More: New Data on Pennsylvania’s Economy Still Grim

Taxes & Economy

Video: Welfare Fraud

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 18, 2010

CF Research Associate Elizabeth Stelle gives testimony on welfare fraud and abuse in Pennsylvania in this latest video, courtesy the PA House Republican Policy Committee. You…


Read More: Video: Welfare Fraud

Taxes & Economy

Amish Carrots, Corporate Sticks

  • June 17, 2010

Ten days ago the New York Times reported how Amish farmers are being encouraged by environmental bureaucrats and activist groups to clean up the way they farm: For…


Read More: Amish Carrots, Corporate Sticks