
Government Preschool Delivers Few Results

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 10, 2010

State Sen. Pat Browne is quoted on John Micek’s blog Wednesday, citing an oft-repeated claim that government funding for preschool is one of the “best investments” of taxpayer money:…


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Why Taxing Natural Gas Won’t Solve PA Budget Woes

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2010

Here is a letter I sent in to the Scranton Times Tribune (a slightly edited version was printed today) on the proposed natural gas severance tax and the Pennsylvania…


Read More: Why Taxing Natural Gas Won’t Solve PA Budget Woes

Government Accountability

Judical Merit Selection Info

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2010

A proposed Pennsylvania state constitutional amendment on merit selection of judges is/was the subject of a press conference today, feature the most recent living Pennsylvania governors. The topic was spurred…


Read More: Judical Merit Selection Info


The $52 Billion Pension Deferral Plan

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 9, 2010

Legislation that would implement Gov. Rendell’s deferral of payment on state pension obligations is under debate in Pennsylvania House. HB 2497 would limit the annual increased in the…


Read More: The $52 Billion Pension Deferral Plan

Government Accountability

CF Blog Roundup

  • June 9, 2010

The Commonwealth Foundation has been mentioned in some recent state blogs: Tony Phyrillas posted our video of Maurice McTigue, offering Pennsylvania some economic tips, at our Policy and Principles…


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Taxes & Economy

Leaky Reporting by the Post-Gazette

  • June 8, 2010

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette last week cast an uncritical eye — in fact, you could call it cheerleading — upon a project touted as part of Allegheny County’s…


Read More: Leaky Reporting by the Post-Gazette

Taxes & Economy

The Overton Window

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 8, 2010

The Overton Window – the title of Glenn Beck’s new book, a work of fiction which borrows from the idea- is a concept that help drives the work of…


Read More: The Overton Window

State Budget

Rendell Ends Taxpayer Funded Legacy Project

  • Nathan Benefield
  • June 7, 2010

Reported here earlier, the Rendell administration had been paying a public relations guru to research the “successes” of Rendell’s policies, to be used to lobby for higher taxes. Today.


Read More: Rendell Ends Taxpayer Funded Legacy Project